My own best friend won't tell me what she is planning to do. How the heck could she do that. I asked her what it was and she wouldn't tell me. She said that she would tell me later. For her that means that you will never know unless you find it out for yourself. Why would she do that? I should do something like that o get back at her but nothing interesting is happening with me at the moment. Wht I write in this journal may amke my life seem interesting. All that I put in this journal is 100% true, but really nothing in my life is that ineteresting. My life is just like everyone elses. I go to school and come home. I have some extra things that I do, but that is about it. Nothing is all that interesting. Not even my life. I don't have what a lot of other people have, but then again I have more than what some people have. I have fantasies about my favorite celebrities just like veryone else. My life is so boring to me, but to everyone else, my life is like a soap opera.
Peace, love, and prosperity, Serenity My Sweet P.S. I don't feel like correcting this entry, so I won't.
Midnight Magdeline · Wed Jan 23, 2008 @ 12:45am · 1 Comments |