Wow, it's been a while since I posted. Hehe...No one reads these anyways. I was reading my friend, Alcina's journal, and she posted some funny jokes. I like to read her journals. They are usually funny. She's a pretty fun girl.
I had to go to a meeting for work today. What kind of fast food place has meetings at 8:30 am? I guess Chicken Express huh? Anyway, I'm still kinda sleepy, but I can't go to sleep because it's already almost 10. I have to go to work tonight too....Darn!
Hey, if anyone plays D2 (anyone that reads this) and they want to play with me, see if Sakren is on. Not Sakren on Gaia, but the character on named Sakren. That's my druids name.
Well, my sister is in there being stupid. She's in there making the shower head fall out of the holder thing. Okay, like you wanna hear about my freaky sisters.
eek This Sunday is Band practice! Woo Hoo! I love learning how to play new songs on my guitar. I'm getting a lot better at it. Another eek Marisa is coming to Surge on Friday!!!!!! Surge is my youth group. Shge's come a couple of times and she likes the people, but she says that right now she can't handle all the God stuff. She's doing good though. She can get through a full service at church at least. She thought it cool when my pastor had a motorcycle for his sermon. He had to get the electric guitar player, Richard, to ride it. Pastor was going to ride it like last October or so when he had originally planned that sermon, but he ended up falling off the first time and breaking his collar bone. He's fine now though. My pastor is cool.
Grrrr.....If only we could fins money by walking around the house like you find gold when you play around on Gaia....My mom is having to take my money to help pay for stuff....It's not that I mind, it's just that they are so far behind that it will be a while before I will actually get any of my money. Guess I better get used to it now. Later, I'll will be having to pay ALL the bills and stuff when I move out. Then I won't have any money. Oh well. I know God will get us through.
Any way, I'm out. Sorry for such a long, boring journal entry. No wonder no one reads and comments on these stupid things. Oh well, at least it makes me feel better to type out stuff like this. Any way. I'm out. Laters!
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