I just looked at a thread that says God hates shrimp. Okay, that's just wrong. When I started putting up an argument for it, the dude PMed saying that it was a joke. Now I can't even get into threads but that's okay. I just hate when people say they do everything in the Old Testament. There's a reason there is a New Testament peoples. Okay, I'll stop with my Bible ramble.
I'm gonna have a dinner party tomorrow at my house. It's gonna be fun, hopefully. I'm gonna cook. (Uh Oh! Hopefully I don't poison the food. xp ) I invited a lot of my friends. I hope they come. Especially Matty and Melissa.
This is getting annoying. Trying to figure out how to play guitar on my own. Matty said he'd teach me, but he just occassionally shows me the chords for a song here or there. Don't worry. i'm not giving up. One day I'll be playing with my church worship team. xd 3nodding But first I still need to learn to play better.
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