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A Rant On 'Double-ism'
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The problem with this world is that it has been centered a little too much around romantics. Don't get me wrong, I love writing kissy gaga stories. However, when it comes to my personal life I am not a romantic.

I've got parents, aunts, uncles, friends, and other obnoxious love obsessed aquintances harrassing me on the subject of red hearts and roses. Honestly, can't a girl be single and live peacefully?

heart Hell no. heart

It's always 'Hey Kass, are you dating yet?' or 'Kass, who's your (male) friend?' or 'Most girls your age are out hitting it up at the club.' I have even been bombarded with, 'OMG, YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH SAM!' Once I was sure that my heart was not going to explode, I kindly explained that no, I was not 'in love.' Because I am too proud for the great game.

I am first and foremost, a writer and a student. Unless it has something to do with a story, I have no interest in doubling up. Someday I might have participate in this 'doublism' ploy in order to truly understand, but until then I am perfectly content with 'single-ism.'

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