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So I got my learner's permit today. Now I can unleash my fury upon the road drive. With an adult. Who is over 21. Or 18. Or something. Whatever. My dad had been bugging me about it, so I went and got it.

So the DMV is interesting. They give you a little ticket with a number and you go sit down, and every so often this mechanical voice says "NOW SERVING A270" or whatever, and when they call you you get to go up to the little window. I probably waited 45 minutes or so. When they called me, my dad and I jumped up and cheered like on Price is Right. lol 'Twas funny. Then I went to go take my test. I only missed 2 questions (probably the 2 most important ones, but..). Then I waited some more, then they took mah picture. As soon as I sat down: "WHAT'S YOUR ADDRESS" "WHEN'S YOUR BIRTHDAY" ;_;

But then I looked at the little Alf plushie and smiled 8D And then I waited some more, and then I got my little permit. :'D I'm so proud. But I don't really want to drive... I guess I'll have to learn someday. Like tomorrow. I think my dad's taking me driving tomorrow. :/

Ah well, once I get my real license I can go blazing around town and go do cool stuff. <span id="test16577305">. . .</span><br/><div id="post16577305" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;"> LOL WUTUW LOL</div>

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Harlequin Bandit
Community Member

Fri Dec 28, 2007 @ 04:17am

Aww, they have an Alf plushie?

My parents'll prolly make me get my learnrar's soon.

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