Hey everyone, I'm back again.
My computer was a little messed up for a bit. My Pop-Up-Blocker decided to randomly crash, so my computer stalled and blacked out , thus making it very difficult to work on the internet. All is fixed now, thankfully.
I was just reading my last entry, and surprisingly it is well grammered with great punctuation. Much better compared to what I used to write like. I also think that I should give you an update on all those spiffy events that had and had not happened that were mentioned in my last entry.
Well my Tennis tournament in Nelson got cancelled due to rain, which made me really sad because I was all pumped up for it and everything. But you know I had fun in Fitness that day. We ran the Beep-Test. Hopefully you know what that is and I don't have to explain it. In Fitness our class in Grade 9's and Grade 10's so it is a fairly big class. I ran the second highest amount for females in both grades. Jill, one of my old Meadowbrook friends made it to Beep 9 and 1/2. I made it to Beep 9. We are both in the same grade. But when I was running, most of the people had dropped out at Beep 5 or 6, so when I finally looked beside me there was only two other guys running with me. As soon as I dropped out at Beep 9, they dropped out maybe 1 or 2 beeps later. It was awsome. But I'm proud of myself becuase the Female High Average for someone of my age , 15, is Beep 7. Most of them only made it to Beep 4. Yah, our town is getting fat. LOL
For the school academic awards ceremony, I got a pin. everybody only got a pin. Shows how welfare our school really is. But I liked the pin. It was snow-white ((color)) with gold lettering and outlining. It matched my vest.
Relay For Life was a major let down for me. Yah, sure I had fun, but as soon as Brittney brought Aaron over. It was all about how they have to fondle, kiss, hug,play truth or dare........with Aaron. Meanwhile, Kailyn passed out becuase she didn't sleep the night before, Meaghan was walking for two teams and later passed out too. Jess Grey got into a semi pissy/extremly quiet mood in the middle of the night cuase she was walking alot as well. Jess Peacosh,Kimmy,Josh and god know's who else brought alchohal and got tipsy, while Brittney was all over Aaron. Meanwhile I chilled with Amber and Erika for a bit. Then later I just sorta went for a run becuase I was sick and tired of the whole "must touch sexy Aaron beast" action that was going on. It drove me nuts. I really just wanted to kill them. They don't even know who the hell this guy is, but they are all like "Well, we know him because you know him so you can't say we know him even though we have never even talked or seen this Aaron kid before" I love how all my friends all of a sudden only talk to me about Aaron. SHOOT ME NOW PLEASE!
But other than the above, the night went fairly OK......I guess. I still had fun thought.
Well moving on with my everyday normal life of the todayness instead of the yesterday/passedness.
My good friend Amanda Jefferson is moving away to some place just outside of Caramease. Well she had her birthday party last night. We had a blast. Amber and I sat at the campfire most of the night roasting marshmallows, chasing the "moving object" ((it was a toad)) Telling stupid,corny stories, and well running into bush while trying to put out the flaming marshmallow that flew off Amber's stick and caught the lawn on fire. <.< >.> No one noticed the charred black spot in the middle on the yard. Yah we had a wicked time that night. It was a good ol' gang. Amanda,Kim Penson,Alycia,Keri,Amber,Erika,Cass,Jeromy,Aaron and ME..of course. LOL! It was sooo much fun. Although it was freezing cold outside on her deck, but we kept warm by huddling all together so it looked like one massive orgy. Good Times. Yup......Goood Times. mrgreen
No for the downside of my happy moodness. When people were asking me what I was doing on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, I responded that I was hanging out with Cass, amanda Erika and Amber , Jeromy, and Aaron. They just looked at me as if I had disobeyed some sacred law and that now they had to chop off my head. Like Kimmy, Jess and the others don't seem to like my other friends all that much and they are taking it out on me I think. They never call me, or when I call them they don't talk, so then there is those weird akward silences where you know that the other person just hates your guts out. So I don't know what's up with them. Brittney came over the other day to show me her fancy shoes that she remodeled. ((They look soo bloody fabulas I gotta give her credit on that)) But when she asked me what I was doing over the summer, I said I was going to go visit some friends. She looked at me and was like " So your just going to the okanagon to see Amanda's new house then." I was then like "No..I have friends coming down from Vancouver that are meeting me in Penticton and I'm also seen Carrera, Keliegh, and Kayla. Old time friends from like god knows when." Britt just looked at me then asked "Who are these people" My responce "People that no one in this town know."
DEAD SILENCE................
She left after that.
Is it like I'm not suppose to have friends that other people don't know. It is driving me up the wall. Becuase of my "outsider friends" my friends here are being snobby to me like they think that I think "I'm to good for them" which is not true. I'm an all round person.
I just don't know anymore. Like I said, it is driving me up the wall. It isnt that big of deal, but I know I have changed for the better over the years, but I have never seen a group of people change so fast in my life. Whatever thought.
Back on the good side again. School is out! Hoooray for that.
And I am slowly getting the items off my wishlist/quest that I made a while ago.
I should really update that so I know what I have and what I don't have so I can get the stuff that I don't have.
Bravo what a great idea Jessie!!!!
But this rant is a little long, so maybe the next time that I am on I will do that whole quest/wishlist thing that I mentioned.
Well it is getting late and I am sooo over tired from the other night. And I think my mom may be trying to sleep and doesn't want to hear the keyboard a typing away at 12:03 in the morning. LOL
Well I will catch ya all later.
Have a wicked summer!! Remeber to keep in touch with ya friends!!!
Haioneene heart heart
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