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Yea so ever since track started up I have made a whole bunch of new friends. One of them is named Juliet. So today we were doing our daily routine as usual just starting to do warm-ups and she approaches me. She had an anonymous person message me to ask me if I wanted to go out with her. Now don't get me wrong or anything, Juliet is a great friend, but she just isn't my type. So, I tried saying it in the nicest possible way and things sort of fell apart. I felt really bad, I didn't mean to break the girl's heart or anything but what would be the point in saying yes when it would just make it worse if I toyed with her heart then broke up with her? Well, life can never be a win-win situation, you just have to make the best out of it, even in the worst times.

Until next time,

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Dec 11, 2007 @ 06:03am
I'm sure she'll understand with time. She must've really been hoping for a "yes", that's all. I bet you two can still stay friends.

commentCommented on: Mon Dec 17, 2007 @ 04:33am
Her name was Juliet? I personally don't like that name for many reasons.

Sorry about the situation though. Must have been awkward.

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