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8D My Wii came two days ago. Or should I say Wiis. XD They sent us two by accident. People are killing each other over these, and we got two. Same order number and everything. I wanted to keep it so I'd have 2 controllers, but I'm pretty sure my dad won't do that. He's either going to pay for a second one and keep it, or return it. I dunno. I want to auction it off to my friends but I don't think that'll fly either. It's still a fun story though.

Well, I like it. I can go on the intraweb and look at other people's Miis and stuff. All the games are fun in their own way. Except Hot Wheels, which is only fun if you have someone next to you going "vroom vroooooommmmm". The controls in all the games are superb, even after my sister beat the crap out of the controller because she's a clumsy jerk who just wants me to be miserable, apparently. I love the Mii channel so much. heart

Hm, what else. Oh, my grandparents came and stayed at my house FOR THE ENTIRE BREAK EXCEPT TODAY. =_= And they bought me and my sister new mattresses. Why? Now I'm like 50 feet off the ground and, as my dad put it, the ceiling fan is like something out of a James Bond movie. I laffed.

Ugh, but yeah. I'm ready to go back to school. My arms are going to fall off if I don't have something to keep me from playing Wii Sports. I'm going to be buff by Friday, I tells ya.

Well, time to go back to playing Wii, I guess. 8D
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User Comments: [1]
Harlequin Bandit
Community Member

Sun Nov 25, 2007 @ 07:32pm

-Drools- OMGBLARGHOWIZZATPOSSIBLE. Guh. I tell you, if I end up getting a Wii for X-mas, I'll die of a heart attack. Why? Because it's not gonna happen. Seriously, no Death Note needed.

...Were those mattresses killed properly? 8D

User Comments: [1]
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