Give me your pain,
sorrow and regret,
sadness and hurt,
and let me give you wings.
Escape the fear,
fright and fatigue,
sights and sounds,
and let me give you a halo.
Forget the anger,
darkness and terror,
misfortune and trouble,
and let me give you my fortitude.
Stop your questioning,
tears and waiting,
rejection and sacrifice,
and I'll give you solace.
View User's Journal
"I like to make myself believe[/color:83cb86f298] that [i:83cb86f298][b:83cb86f298]planet[/color:83cb86f298][/b:83cb86f298][/i:83cb86f298][i:83cb86f298][b:83cb86f298]earth[/i:83cb86f298][/color:83cb86f298][/b:83cb86f298] turns slowly"
so that every moment[/color:83cb86f298] with you can last a [b:83cb86f298]little longer[/color:83cb86f298][/b:83cb86f298]
so that every moment[/color:83cb86f298] with you can last a [b:83cb86f298]little longer[/color:83cb86f298][/b:83cb86f298]