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Nobody loves me.
And everobody hates me. Why? Nobody likes me. Nobody feel anything positive to me crying I don't like it. I want to have friends. Where the hell are they?! I NEED THEM SO CLOSE. And my mother yells to me every day. I really hate it. stressed "You didn't make your bed. DO IT NOW". And she didn't want to hear that I'll miss bus to school. She was yelling to me that I should woke up more time ago. Ugh... Maybe I should, but I didn't do it. stare I don't like when someone yells on me. crying

Nobody loves me... crying

Well... Only in school I have FREE. We don't learn anything now, because the school year is going to END. Oh dear, that's pretty cool. AT LAST SCHOOL YEAR IS GOING TO END. This is one positive information for me. No more test and homeworks for two logn, long months. Nyaaa. 4laugh I have better feel, but not SO better to feel really good. That's sad. PRETTY SAD. stare

Nobody loves me... crying

I will make my wishlist today, I think. I should do it. I'm still noob whee I don't like this. I feel that I'm worse than other users.

So... School year is goind to end, but I still have to learn, because teachers said that they can change mark still. That's not fair. I don't like it. I must wait till 17th of June. 3 long days sweatdrop Pretty long time.

And nobody loves me... crying

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