Good in:
Fighting style:

Name: Koutetsu
Age: Not known to anyone but himself
Good in: War/Assassin
Weapons: 5 hidden
Fighting style: Likes to play games with his target and get them off guard for a fast and simple win.
Style: Mysterious, he never gives anyone a direct answer and he always hides his face behind his mask, no one knows what he looks like and he creates no ties with anyone since it will only be a damper on his mission

Name: Sori
Age: 20
Good in: Mech

Fighting style: Quick attacks leaving no time for the target to retaliate.
Style: Believes that he needs to fight in order to live, he hates having more then one person around him at anytime and almost seems to be a completely different person inside his mobile suite.

Name: Jackle
Age: 18
Good in: Forest rps
Weapons: hands and feet
Fighting style: He can predict his opponents movements after getting only one hit in, even though he is blind, once he has taken that first hit, then the attacker will never be able to hit again.
Style: Enjoyes a challenge but will severely hurt anyone who thinks he is an incapable guy because of his disability which is actually a handycap he has given to his opponents.

Name: Kurorampo
Age: 500
Good in: Angle and Demon
Weapons: Dark and light magic
Fighting style: He dislikes to fight most of the time but when he does he can deliver quick but weak hits with light, or slow but devastating hits with dark mostly range but can be quickly converted to a shield/melee/healing spell user.
Style: He has two personalities, each one resides in his rings, the good one is in the red ring and the bad is in the blue. When one is glowing he is that personality, when a ring is removed he completely changes into the full form of the actual personality inside the ring that is left on him.
Kuro: The spirit of light that lives in him, this personality is sad for anyone who is in pain and is driven to try and protect them, no matter who it is.
Rampo: Spirit of darkness that lives in him, this personality is pure evil, he loves to kill and hurt anyone who gets in his way, friend or foe if you cross him he gives no second chances.

Name: Kael
Age: 18
Good in: Elemental/school
Weapons: Wind/hands or feet
Fighting style: Unorthodox, a lot like capaware but a little more flexible.
Style: Happy yet not the brightest berry on the bush, he sleeps all day in class and fights when he is bored.

Name: The owner chooses
Age: 25
Good in: slave
Weapons: Does not fight, end of story
style: Happy but has strict rules, he will not do anything that he knows he will not be able to do and stuff that will cause himself personal harm, although he is a very good cook, cleaner and worker... heś just lazy and self concerned.