Yes I know what your thinking "Can't you just do that in tektek period?" hahaha- WRONG! lol the type of 'merging I am doing is where I edit the avis together via a program on my comp, the program allows me to edit the pictures how I please and have fun with them like that... I shall be posting them all here and probably on my profile as well razz mainly here though razz

This is the one that started it all, I was getting into an rp and wanted to use a tektek fot it so I did, but when I noticed it wasn't working out how I planned it I tweaked it a bit and voala biggrin
Here are the rest of the ones I made take a look see biggrin

if you have an idea for one, just pm or comment here with character tekteks with same features slightly anyway like these guys for example are good

they are good and basically by similar features, I mean facial... some hair is mixable but some are not as you can see by avi number 5 or 6... the second last one xd and some are like the second avi, the forth and the 5th if you count number one along with them all that is razz
They both also have to be the same gender and the same eye size, the color... go nuts, but anything ells they have to be relatively similar, the oculus magicus is one of the eye items that I shall let it slide so you can have something like this:

make sense? good biggrin well I hope you enjoy my pics biggrin from here on are my absolute new ones razz HASSA!