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I'm pretty close to getting my Wii. I'm like 50 dollaru away. I CAN DO EEEEET!

Oh, so last night Death Note came on Adult Swim. It wasn't as much of a faildub as I thought it would be. It seems like it could have potential. Light's just a general older teen voice. He kind of did an evil chuckle toward the end, and I'm wondering how his voice actor will handle the evil laughs that he'll have to do later. Ryuk's voice isn't as scratchy and ***** as it was in Japanese, but his voice actor pulls off the laugh quite well. It actually surprised me. Wonder how L and Misa will sound. How old is Misa anyway? She doesn't go to school or anything...
Er, but yeah. It was weird seeing it with English voices. It was especially weird seeing the opening and ending on TV instead of on the computer. They even put subtitles, how nice was that? Now I can see my precious Alumina supah supah climactic Light-apple-throw every week! 8D GOD!!

So I went to get my hair cut yesterday too. It's up about shoulder-length now, and I even have emo bangs that I can put in my face and cut myself and whatever else emo kids do. I don't hardly have to even brush it because it's so awesome. Also, there was this little kid getting his head shaved, and he was freaking out. Oh god I lol'd. But I kinda felt bad for the woman who had to shave him. At least his parents weren't angry.

<span id="test14843557">. . .</span><br/><div id="post14843557" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;"> PROTIP: People will talk to you more if you're not angry all the time and don't steal their belongings. Also not being a jerk to your friend's boyfriend helps.

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User Comments: [1]
Harlequin Bandit
Community Member

Mon Oct 22, 2007 @ 12:16am

O: Well, that's a surprise. So no faildub.

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