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Sammi's Log Random writings of the somewhat sane.

Body Theatre
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Charrisa Mendoven-Profile
Name: Charrisa Meaghan Mendoven (prefers Chris)
Race: Human
Hometown: ...
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 101 lbs
Eyes: Medium sized, pale blue, almost like murky water.
Hair: Shoulder length, dark blonde, it doesn't give off much shine, for a blonde.
Skin: Slightly pale, seeing as she doesn't leave her home much.
Body Structure: Basically defined: petit. She is small and thin.
Sexuality: Heterosexual, meaning, straight.

Other Important Stuff: Chris always has an eidolon that calls itself Sam following her around, and no-one but Chris can see or hear her.(her profile will come later) Also, Chris is colorblind.

Strength: She is not very physically strong, but she can lift her own weight, which is considered healthy, I think.

Magic: Pupeteering with living things, by writing in a notebook. Whatever she writes, the creature does, but she needs a name for the creature, whether their real name, or one she gives them.

Stuff: She wears a white woolen sweater, and soft, blue cotton pants. She has a striped, blue, green and white scarf, which she is usually wearing, even during the summer. Her shoes are red strapped thong sandles. With her she always carries a black leather notebook, so she can write, and a pen.

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