Wake up and get to class on time!!
OK, today is thursday. Well, yesterday morning my first class was Japanese heart . I had been up a little late the night before, so I decided to hit the snooze button and sleep in an extra fifteen minutes. That was a fatal mistake. I got up and drove to school, which I live about a mile away from, and when I got there, the parkng lot was PACKED. I would have gottne to class a little early even though I'd slept in, but nope. I spent probably 15 minutes driving around the parking lot looking for an open space. (I seriously thought about skipping, but you can't skip a language class and expect to know what's going on the next day) I finally decided to park somewhat illegally. I didn't get a ticket, but This was most definitely an object lesson that I need to wake up with enough time to get there before the parking lot fills up. Oh yeah, I was late for class.
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