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My journal
I'm so angry
Ok so get this. Last weeks football game I didn't get to play. You want to know why? Because coaches said I wasn't working hard enough in practice. So the next couple of practices I've been working my butt off so I can get that first string position. So finally today right before practice starts guess what coaches tell me. They said I was first string defense and offense tackle. I was so happy. While we were lifting weights the most stupidest thing happens. I dropped the bench bar on my right knee while doing powercleans. So my dad took me to the doctors and they said I can't play for the next couple of weeks. Do any of you knows what that means? That means I lose my first string position. That means that I can't play on the next two games. That means that I'm so Friggin pissed right now. That means I'm going to get behind on everyone else. Oh well. what happens happens, theres nothing I can do about it.

Until next time,

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LiL bRoOcOlI
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 03:27am
i feel ur pain

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 04:03am
Oh the irony! The horrible horrible irony! That's just harsh man! Do yah think it'll all even out later?

Community Member
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