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View User's Journal

Random things
i will post some pics, poems etc
Tree rotting to its core
Little maggots seeping through
Eatting the tree from the inside out
The roots try to take up the energy
But there is no good energy around
Just a black surrounding
Not letting it to try to live on
Not letting it live its life
Not letting it fulfill its dreams

Tree rotting to its core
Slowly dying from the inside out
It tries to stay alive
It tries to hold on with all its power
But the worse is not yet the worse
After all
The maggots just multiple and just keep
Eatting the tree from the inside out

Does anyone notice what is happening to
The tree that is grasping for life
Grasping for someone to care
Grasping for someone to at least notice whats happening

Tree rotting to its core
Living as long as it can
But the blackness is to much to bare
It just keeps building and building
But the tree tries to hang on
Grasping for the energy to take hold

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