Wow, now school has started...
school is better than sitting a home doing absolutely nothing. adn today started out crapy, but then Damien came and made the day bright again. im glad that i got to spen as much with him as i did. tomorrow will be marching practice, and this time i cant be late! no really there is no possible way my father could interfer to make me late. it drives me nuts that is it has to do with band or football games that it seems my father doesnt care if i get there on time. he should know most of all that i could get my grade lowered because of it, HE USED TO BE A DRUM MAJOR!!!!! argh, no use being mad if thats just the way a person is. but hay, being grounded is getting better! im aloud to listen to music if im trying to sleep or if im doing my chores, and im aloud to watch movies if all of my hw and chores are done ^_^ and i dont think they really ever grounded me that much from the web. i dreww a good picture of me and Damien yesterday.... when i was supposed to be doing chores. and i think its pretty good, ill try to get it scaned in, but i doubt that scince i want to keep the pic a secret from the rents. oh well, you people that see me in real life can ask to see it. wow ive written a lot! sorry about this folks, ill have to stop and save the rest for another day or another time, ja ne!
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