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Pharey's Journal
this journal i guess will be like any other, im gonna put things in here about my day and things gone by...
Grounded sucks!
being grounded really sucks! ive been grounded for about two weeks now and i doubt that it will let up soon. lets see when your in a scoll that you have to keep a gpa or 2.5 or higher, and your goes under that, things dont go so well at home. ah lets see, i have no radio no tv no computer and no fone. but my parents are angels and they let me do these things with their permission, but i hve to ask, and it really getting annoying. BUt all that is ok... when your not on a week break from school! well i guess its ok. the house is really clean thanks to yours truly. and i have picked up the flute... im not that good, but with the hours of practice im getting in i just might be someday a really good floutest. but i already play the trumpet so i know the basics of music for a flute, i just hve to learn the different key of which to play in.

i miss Damien so much. i cant wait for tommorrow! theres a football game, vs Winter Springs... and i cant remember if we can beat them or not. but who cares! ill be near the one i love! and thats why i can not wait!!!! ugh, the days pass by so slowly that i think ill faint. but no, ill stay healthy because then ill be that much closer to the game... idk i just like to ramble, well i better go, my houlf hour limit on the computer has ended, i will talk to you all later.

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