have you had a best friend or friend who you thought of as a brother or sister and you guys where close then rumors go around saying your dating but your not and then for a month you become such an a** well for lack of better words, and you stop hugging like you guys did and then one day after you knerw they went to a dance they have a gf or bf and you have sudden hatred and a weird vibe about that new persona dn they are a grade younger than the both of you, then you knew you where jealouse but it wasn't because you liked them like a bf or gf , because your in love with some one else and you just think of that person as a brother/sister, and then the next day after calming down and telling your best friend you've knowen for so long and then they hate that new person because you do but then you both don't hate that new person you just have a bad feeling even if your best friend doesn't and you do because your gut feelings have been right about your other best friend you've known for the last year, and now you really hope your wrong about you guy/girl best friend about their new love isn't going to hurt them and now you relize after he/ she promised your hugging thing or thing you guys had wouldn't stop to have some one else you hang out with to say you shouldn't do that because that new love might get jealouse adn all you want to do is drown yourself in water that is like so close to the school but you just sit on a log next to it almost crying alot but you suck it up, to relise that that new person in your best friend's life is taking your spot but you don't care now ecause of how you acted to your best frined but you will die before that new love takes your best friend you've knowen for so longs place, and that new love can take the role of the girl/boy friend, but not the part you and your long best friend spot hell no, and then you have your best friend you've known from last year being a bit mean to your new friend when that new friend is in love with your best friend and that best friend doesn't love that new friend and well that new friend is crushed and is trying to talk to your best friend but it's all uneasy even to your way becuase you get dragged into it well sort of and you don't kniow what to do because you feel that you are making things worse for that new friend but that new friend says you not and and you have like problems with your parents at home and you can't talk to no one because those ppl you think you can talk to you feel you can't becuase they might not be able to help you and your like holding certain things in and you just jump to try and help your friends because you know they need your help and you always put them first and yourself last and you just need to let things out but one of your friends you just talk to and you don't have to tell them the problem and they just help you some how wow, and your bf lives like in the states (( or where ever else)) and you just miss him or her... and that best friend from a long time is like going through stuff to and you live so far away and you don't know how to help them and so on and your like going insaine and all these emotions are going on inside... have you ever felt like that? or even close to?
*gasps for air*
Rikku42 · Fri May 13, 2005 @ 05:29am · 3 Comments |