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Ask the admin (08/02/2007)
Lanzer - Admin

Animated or 3D avatar is definitely down the road, however, we will only migrate if:

- Avi's look just as good
- It's fast to load
- It works on all browsers
- People won't lose items

THere are a lot of technological challanges, but a lot of it is actually possible. The only question right now is compatibility with everything.

Q1: Will the summer festival be coming by August 15th 2007? Because I have school a few days after that and I want to be able to participate in it.
Q2: Also what is your favorite Gaia MC Pet?
A1: The summer festival might be delayed by a little because of our current workload, but we'll keep everyone informed once we have more info. We'll definitely shape it so that it won't conflict with people's school schedules.
A2: My favorite MC pet? Gotta be the Gwee.

Q: Hi Lanzer, can we have new flowers for towns?
A: Not just yet, but we'll get to it. First we're updating rare items, then game items, then car and hair, then flowers. The order might change but not too far from that.

Q: Would you rather be a Lion, or a Tiger, and why?
A: Liger!

Q: Lanzer, does literacy have an effect on a user's chance to be selected for a moderator position?
A: In a way, yes, since all the communication between moderator and user are through text, ability to communicate is important.

Q1: is there an alternative to shockwave that could be used for arranging houses? shockwave doesnt have a platform for linux, you see, and i would appreciate it a bit
Q2: also, assuming you have free time, what do you fill it with? do you ever take vacations? what are your destinations, if so?
A1: We wanted to turn the arranger to flash, but so many other flash projects fall in higher priority... the next project is to enhance the item inventory system. We might not get around to it anytime soon. Sorry! But we definitely want to do it.
A2: Gaia used to be a 24/7 thing, but now I try to keep my weekends available to do my own stuff, I even took a vacation earlier this year! Lately I've gotten into building Gundam models.

Q: Has the Gaia team ever considered making a user-made NPC contest?
A: Great idea! Aside from user created item, we will try to host a user created NPC event

Q: Hey Lanzer, is there ever going to be a way we (the users) could have tabs to change the layout to previous ones on our browser? I mean, I don't mind a pic on the layout we have now, but I do miss the redhead and catgirl every once in a while.
A: We'll provide the previous images as backgrounds and on other places in Gaia, though the changes to the new layout and header involves a lot of engineering changes. Things such as daily chance to new event notifications are going through code changes because of the new header, so it'll be difficult to let the old header to exist at the same time.
In the future, however, we should have ways to customize your environment to add in some of the older graphics. That's a little far down the road.

Q: Will There be a PvP arena or will it be open world PvP?
A: Probably arena style. Open world style is a little to chaotic I believe. At the end, we'll probably ask everyone for feedback.

Q: In your new banner Ian and Sam are shown, will they end up being a new couple? Any info about Ian we don't already know would be greatly appreciated. Also, will there be more NPC Items/Gaia related items in the Gaia store anytime soon?
A: Not likely. And sorry, I don't have answer to the items.
Q: How will Gaia Online be affected by the move to Beta? Hopefully fewer glitches, but will it spell the end of item updates? Will there be no more minigames added after that?
A: Beta is a quality standard. After that we'll continue to roll out new features and items. The only difference is that pages and features should no longer crash.

Q: When will the summer festival be,and will we have to wait until Halloween for any new skins
A: It's not solid yet, but the summer even will probably be released on the 27th. A little late, but we're spending a lot of effort in making it fun. New skin wise, yet, it'll probably happen at or after Halloween.

Q: Do you plan on adding more fishing spots?
A: We were, but the current priority is to add more games before expanding existing ones.

Q1: Lanzer, will Halloween 2007 be much better than last year?
Q2: Do you like dogs? :3 (Siberian Huskies, to be specific?)
Q3: Have you ever directly eaten wasabi? (not just dipped anything in it?)
A1: Yes, yes, and yes.
A2: Huskies are awesome, and I like Corgi too for some reason
A3: I love wasabi! I can have rice with wasabi and soy sauce for a meal.

Q: What are some of you plans to efficiently stop botters? Why haven't you guys put up one those required fields where you have to type in something that you see in a image you guys provide ( like mnO35z or something random like that) to stop botters from making accounts? Sorry, but I forgot the specific name for what these things are called. xP I remember stumbling onto a thread about it and one of the users had said that you guys wouldn't implement anything like that, for a reason you guys could not disclose. Is this true?
A: The method is called CAPTCHA, and we've been discussing over whether we want to use it or not for a long time. There are so many pros and cons that we're on the edge. At the end, we did implement a lot of changes that discourage botting without CAPTCHA. If the need arise, we'll re-consider

Q: Lanzer, when will our avatars ever have piercings?
A: Yes

Q: Lanzer, where do you see Gaia in 5-10 years?
A: Tons more features, and much more features to allow users to create items, features, and events within the Gaia world.

Q: hey lanzer do you think you guys at gaia could make a constant updating storyline, not just on holidays, but like every other week or something have a story update or event update, so there would always be something to do on gaia, cause right now, i do go on every day, but gaia can be a bit boring at times, so for a while i just stare blankly at the screen, you guys are doing an awesome job, but if we could have a constant or sheduled updates that would be super awesome cool! thanks!
A: Definitely, we are now placing focus in planning for a lot of small but fun updates so nobody need to wait for months for new features. We'll have more info for everyone real soon!

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