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Ask the admin (07/31/2007)
Lanzer - Admin
Q: What is the deal with all of the company agreements and the random items that're based upon their products? Some say that's "selling out" and ruining the true Gaia. What is your response to that?
A: I think that there is a difference between Gaia being able to afford more developers and selling out because we want to make more money. Take banner ads for example, we could make more money by having more than one ad on all our pages, but instead we choose to only have one ad on 20% of our pages. Similarly, we make sure that all sponsorships are not intrusive and are rewarding and/or fun.

Q1.How are you? ^w^
Q2.In your profile it says you like laputa, do you like any other Studio Ghibli films?
Q3.Why don't you like carrots?
Q4.Are there anymore pet items planned? (Another kitty perhaps? ^.^ )
Q5.Is Moira going to quite an important character in the upcoming storyline?
Q6.Who's your favorite NPC?
A1. I'm doing great!
A2: I love Laputa because I watched it in theaters when I was 10 years old... Made a huge impression. Though I love all Ghibli films in general.
A3: I'm a meat eater. Veggies do not concern me.
A4: We know that pet is the second most requested feature on Gaia, so we're definitely thinking hard about it.
A4/5: Not the coming storyline, but we definitely have more to come for Moira, my favorite character.

Q: Are there any other plans for interwebz themed hats such as the OMG, AFK, BTK, OMFG and ORLY?
A: YES! And might be sooner than you think.

Q: Lanzer, What has become of the Mining game that was shown to us but never released?
A: That game was scrapped because it sucked. I shouldn't have tried writing a game in Javascript...

Q1: How many times have you been proposed to at cons? Do you even keep track anymore?
Q2 biggrin o you collect avvie art?
Q3: How many of the HQ staff have accents of some sort?
A1: I get about one every panel..
A2:Yes I collect every avvie art that was PM'ed to me.
A3: Yes many of us have strange accents, and Darknrgy loves making fun of them

Q: Waaaay back in the day, there was something said about old Monthly Collectibles (Though they were called Donation Items back then) in the Quest System. Now that it's here, are you still considering it?
A: Yes! The questions is - how do we roll this out without making people upset...

Q: Will there be another olympics like in 2004?
A: Yes! Especially now that we have more NPC

Q: I have another question for you Lanzer. Has anyone at Gaia HQ ever burst out in song for no reason? And do you like musicals?
A: Someone just did when I read out your question... it's a very dangerous question to ask... Yeah I like some musicals. Things like Phantom of the Opera and Catz are excellent.

Q: I don't know if this has been answered or not but it is a matter that is sorta big. What are you guys gonna do with the botting/profiting from botting accounts that were banned unfairly?
A: We wipe those accounts clean, so everything is gone from the system. We need to make sure that gold is given out fairly to all other users.

Saggar -AT3

Q: Any chance on users developing games/utilities for Gaia? Any idea on what would be safe/possible for us to even create? I know users already create a ton of content, but besides your recreational artists, there's a lot of creative developers on the site!
A: People have been playing around with this idea for a while. It's not simple, but we're thinking about it.

Q1: Do you ever plan on bringing back old features such as Gaia Personals or the Link List? I understand that it's probably a no for the personals, with all the spam and other unmentionables that went on there, but what about the beloved Link List?
Q2 biggrin o you ever see you and the rest of the team of admins selling Gaia anytime in the future, or do you hope to stick with it for as long as it's running? I'd love to pop back in ten years time and see Gaia still going strong, under the same few that created it initially!
Q3:Why have you chosen for the new logo to have a lowercase "g"? Don't you think that makes the site a little less like "Gaia"?
A:1: No and No. Too much cybering and improper material But we're working on adding other features
A3. Actually, it makes it more like Gaia (look at the address bar of the browser...)

Q: Are Bachelor credits going to be used for anything more than the current Bachelor hats?
A: Yes

Q: Will there EVER be a BTK hat in the Gaia Store? biggrin DD?
A: No plans so far...

Q: Back when Towns was released, I heard rumors of Guild Halls, large homes for members of a guild to hangout in towns. These homes would be bought with gold in the guild's account. Were these just rumors or are there plans for Guild Halls?
A: This is planned...

Q: . Are there things being done about the stagnant inflation in the MP.
A: What is stagnant inflation? We're working on measuring inflation, and possibly on controlling it (if it's there, which I'm not completely sure).
Inflation, just like anything else, is good to have a little bit of...

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