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The Journal of Lioconvoy
Random things I'd like to remeber, Lioconvoy is the name I go by elsewhere online.
I take a great deal of pride in the fact I'm a good secret keeper. Secrets have to be kept for a reason. Most of the time the secret I keep don't hurt many poeple.

This isn't most of the time though. I've been entrusted with a secret that is getting the person I'm keeping it for really hurt.

If I blabbed one of two thing will happen. I won't be believed, or the person's rep will be cleared.

Secrets have never been such a burden before for me. It's not my secret to tell. I have no right.

Makes me feel a little better writing about how this feel. I wish this problem was over and done, but I think it will be a strain for a while to come.

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