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The Journal of Lioconvoy
Random things I'd like to remeber, Lioconvoy is the name I go by elsewhere online.
As much as some people know me, it really surprises me what they get surprised about.

Recent case in point, there is an group that I just truly disturbs me. It's allowed free reign over a place that used to mean allot to me. The problem is most ethier ignore it or join it. There are a few other that it disturbs but those that ignore it aren't willing to listen. It's easier to think nothing of it.

Anyway......as much as I like to explain the case I can't. Needless to say the group was involved and I tried to explain if what happen to a single peson for his actions, then why a group who did in my opinion just as questionable things wasn't given the same punishment.

It seemed to shock my friend that I would do such a thing, but the fact is I see parrells which I'm afraid are probably being ignored.

Now we aren't even on speaking terms which is in my opion is pretty sad. I had hope that there was more to our friend ship then just the one commen area.

*shrugs* I know this probably made no sence, but I don't think it's right to name names is something so public as a live jornal or the sort. I'm sure those invovled know who and what is being mentioned, but atleast this way no one who isn't does.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue May 10, 2005 @ 10:21pm
Hi Bob/Recca,

Actually, your entry makes perfect sense 3nodding ! That was the impression I got from the GD when I first got here, and I suspect that same old group is still there doing the same things --;! It's either cheer them on, join them, ignore them, or get flamed xp ! That's also why I never tried going to the GD ever again. I hate cliques, even online ones scream ! They were the bane of my existence throughout middle school.

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