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He whispered cold lies into my ear while I slept, tainting me in my weakest hour. When I close my eyes, I can hear them, icy wind against my eardrum, and I can't help but wonder if they're true...

the cheese to my macaroni
Community Member
Stardust is the Polite Way of Saying Dandruff

What's up everyone? I've been having a cool few days... and I have some bad news.

The bad news? The neighborhood street cats ate my poor parakeets. crying crying My poor babies!!! I'll never hear their sweet, high-pitched tweets ever again...*sniffle sniffle*

My mom calmed a little by taking me to the pet store. I fell in love with this beautiful bird named Hunter in the nursery. It's soooo cute and friendly!!! But it's costs $599!! I couldn't get it...

Last Saturday, I went up North. Then to San Diego. And then to Temecula to party w/ some peoples. I spent most of the night getting 98 and 99 during karaoke. It was fun and I won lots of money during the games. I was pooped when I came home though.

Um....I've toned down my profile a little but I'll spice it up later. You know, add a little kick. But that's LAAAATER.

Um...I have nothing else to say.... Er....

Well...I missed you. Just thought I'd drop in so you knew I was alive.

No questions of the day...

You can send requests for my next works of writing. Right now I'm contemplating a spiteful letter to a certain mother I know whose been working my very last nerve...

User Comments: [1]
iiKath x 3
Community Member

Sat Aug 04, 2007 @ 06:48am

Hey Maria!

I feel so bad for you, poor BIRDIES!

I'll buy you one that would be heartless.
That's all my pocket could afford XP

And it seems as though your summer has
been pretty busy lately!, Same for Moi.

P.S: How's the library job going for ya?

User Comments: [1]
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