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For my little sister's birthday, I decided to make her a little visual novel about Lumina from the Harvest Moon vidya gaems.
Good god. This is a small game. It took me like 4 days to just write the script. I was planning a much bigger gaem because I'm a Typemoonfag and want to emulate them. biggrin Or something. But seriously. Lumina has 3 endings and the game probably will only take 15 minutes.
But I'm not complaining. I've done a couple of the "real" character images and they've turned out ok. I even got them to be transparent :'D

....I finally got to the end of Tsukihime with my ghetto VN-reading no-saving skill0rz.
. . . .I almost cried. Aaaaalllmmmoooossstttt. I hope Arcueid's true end isn't the most depressing, because if it is, I'm definitely not going to cry at the rest of the endings. D: I feel like such a callous, empty shell lately. Every time I feel like I'm supposed to cry, I get a little sad, but nothing comes out of my eyes. (no, I'm not emo, I'm talking about movies and stuff.) But since my eyes did tingle a little, there may be hope for me yet. xd

I started playing Kagetsu Tohya, the sequel, yesterday.
Oh wow, this is the funniest thing ever. YOU GET THE CHOICE TO JUMP IN FRONT OF A DUMP TRUCK. BEST GAME EVER.
So, Hisui, my maid, comes to the cultural festival at my school. She really sucks at cooking, but she made me lunch because I had said I wanted to try her cooking. She made me sandwiches. But...they're blood red. "Um..Shiki-sama..you said you liked plum porridge, so I made you a plum sandwich."
OH GOD. PLUM HELL. So I eat it, and my brain melts or something. But I have to be polite, so I eat 3 or 4 more.
Oh man, I was laughing sooo hard. It's a great change from the depression of Tsukihime.
<span id="test12623889">. . .</span><br/><div id="post12623889" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;">
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This baby is an eyesore. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby. This baby.

User Comments: [3]
Harlequin Bandit
Community Member

Mon Jul 30, 2007 @ 03:10pm

What kind of transparent? Do you mean you got it to where the character didn't show up in a box with a random background? ANSWER CORRECTLY OR YOU WILL BEAR WITNESS TO SOME NERD RAGE

Godzilla Attacks!
Community Member

Mon Jul 30, 2007 @ 07:48pm

Transparent like they don't have a white box around them.

Harlequin Bandit
Community Member

Mon Jul 30, 2007 @ 09:40pm


User Comments: [3]
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