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A journal... filled with words... enjoy!

Community Member
Quiz: Answer Honestly Please!!
What if I....
1. I committed Suicide:
2. I said I like you:
3. I kissed you:
4. I lived next door to you:
5. I started smoking:
6. I stole something:
7. I was Hospitalized:
8. I ran away from home:
9. I got into a fight and you werent there:

What Do I think about my...
1. Personality:
2. Eyes:
3. Face:
4. Hair:
5. Clothes:
6. Mannerisms:

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends? freinds?
3. when and how we meet?
4. How have I affected you?
5. What do you think of me?
6. whats the fondest memory of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
8. Do you love me?
9. Have I ever hurt you?
10. Would you hug me?
11. Would you kiss me?
12. Would you ******** me?
13. Would you marry me?
14. Emonionally what stands out?
15. Do you wish I was cooler?
16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I?
17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it.
18. Am I loveable?
19. How long have you known me?
20. Describe me in one word.
21. What was my first impression?
22. Do you think that way about me now?
23. What do you think my weakness is?
24. Do you think I would get married?
25. What about me makes you happy?
26. What about me makes you sad?
27. What reminds you of me?
28. What's something you would change about me?
29. How well do you know me?
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31. Do you think I would kill someone?
32. Are we close?
33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?

User Comments: [3]
Community Member

Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 02:22am

What if I....
1. I committed Suicide: I would be really really sad ='[
2. I said I like you: as a firend hopefully
3. I kissed you: i would be REALLY scared
4. I lived next door to you: that would be so kool
5. I started smoking: i would say you were stupid
6. I stole something: look above
7. I was Hospitalized: i would be sad
8. I ran away from home: as long as you have a computer Im good
9. I got into a fight and you werent there:I would go down there and beat the persons a** that you were in a fight with

What Do I think about my...
1. Personality: great
2. Eyes: never seen them
3. Face: never seen it
4. Hair: never seen
5. Clothes: never seen
6. Mannerisms:

1. Who are you? Candi(c)e
2. Are we friends? freinds? friends
3. when and how we meet? arjay and idk when
4. How have I affected you? you make me laugh
5. What do you think of me? you are so kool
6. whats the fondest memory of me? you trying to help me with boy problems when you suck at it like me lol
7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? awhile i hope
8. Do you love me? like a firend
9. Have I ever hurt you? nope
10. Would you hug me? if you needed me to
11. Would you kiss me? no
12. Would you ******** me? heck no
13. Would you marry me? heck no
14. Emonionally what stands out?
15. Do you wish I was cooler? cant get kooler
16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 10x10
17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it. um...cant think of one
18. Am I loveable? yep
19. How long have you known me? i dont know
20. Describe me in one word. awesome
21. What was my first impression? omg shes a buckeye fan!
22. Do you think that way about me now? you are the koolest buckeye fan ever
23. What do you think my weakness is? idk
24. Do you think I would get married? yep
25. What about me makes you happy? you make me laugh
26. What about me makes you sad? nothing
27. What reminds you of me? U of M
28. What's something you would change about me? no
29. How well do you know me? pretty good i think
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? no
31. Do you think I would kill someone? ....only me...lol
32. Are we close? pretty
33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? yep

Lady Londonderry
Community Member

Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 05:07pm

What if I....
1. I committed Suicide: I would be sad and yell at the air for a while
2. I said I like you: 0.o I would be freaked...
3. I kissed you: depends what teh kiss meant 0.o
4. I lived next door to you: 8D I would come over everyday and bore you to death!
5. I started smoking: 86 ewwww, I would burn all cigarettes in a bonfire
6. I stole something: from russia? russian stuff is cool.
7. I was Hospitalized: T crying T I would be saaaad
8. I ran away from home: I would probably never find out. (I had a babysitter like that, funny story ehe)
9. I got into a fight and you werent there: uhhh, do you do that?

What Do I think about my...
1. Personality: coolio?
2. Eyes:uhhh, what color are they?
3. Face: uhhh, facelike?
4. Hair: ...pretty? 0_o
5. Clothes: uhhh...
6. Mannerisms: whazat?

1. Who are you? >8D the Friday the 13th girl!
2. Are we friends? freinds? A. yes B. whu?
3. when and how we meet? a while ago, Kacy brought you to Cell
4. How have I affected you? uhhh... I unno
5. What do you think of me? you're.... coolio?
6. whats the fondest memory of me? well, I only have two memories of you at all...
7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? forevah!
8. Do you love me? ewwwww :[
9. Have I ever hurt you? uhhh, no?
10. Would you hug me? ewwwww *spasm*
11. Would you kiss me? no -_-
12. D8<
13. Would you marry me? I dont think that's legal
14. Emonionally what stands out? what's emonionally?
15. Do you wish I was cooler? if you were any cooler, you would be icceeee
16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 10?
17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it. uhhh... coolio? Cuz you're coolio?
18. Am I loveable? sure?
19. How long have you known me? a couple months
20. Describe me in one word. XD coolio
21. What was my first impression? well, when I saw you, my first thought was: "wait, I'm gonna have to talk about the whole cell and her? I probably should have practiced"
22. Do you think that way about me now? XD no
23. What do you think my weakness is? uhh... cats?
24. Do you think I would get married? yesh
25. What about me makes you happy? uhhh, you're nice?
26. What about me makes you sad? nuthin?
27. What reminds you of me? uhhh... your house?
28. What's something you would change about me? where you live?
29. How well do you know me? not well
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? no? 0'o
31. Do you think I would kill someone? no?
32. Are we close? actually, you're about 8 miles away...
33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? welll... I would but my journal is private so it wouldn't do much good...

Community Member

Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 09:54pm

Quiz: Answer Honestly Please!!
What if I....
1. I committed Suicide: id wonder if you were sane when I first me you
2. I said I like you: id blush
3. I kissed you: be shocked
4. I lived next door to you: I would love it
5. I started smoking: disown you as a friend after I tried to help you and it didn’t work
6. I stole something: id refuse to know you after you didn’t take it back
7. I was Hospitalized: cry
8. I ran away from home: wonder why
9. I got into a fight and you weren’t there: id be ticked if you got beet up and … plz see number 8

What Do I think about my...
1. Personality: great
2. Eyes: n/a
3. Face: n/a
4. Hair: n/a
5. Clothes: n/a
6. Mannerisms: girl like I hope

1. Who are you? Michael Lannert
2. Are we friends? freinds? yes
3. when and how we meet? Dragon guild and you pmed me yay
4. How have I affected you? Gave me a great rp to play
5. What do you think of me? Your great
6. whats the fondest memory of me? Hmmmm hard to say…. all of them
7. How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Eternity or at least until I stop plying gia
8. Do you love me? As a friend
9. Have I ever hurt you? Nooooooooottttt yet
10. Would you hug me? Yes as a friend
11. Would you kiss me? Only to save your life
12. Would you ******** me? Hard to say no because im cristian/catholic but if were married heck ya
13. Would you marry me? If I met you first
14. Emonionally what stands out? All out fun time
15. Do you wish I was cooler? Unless you were ice you couldn’t be any cooler
16. On a scale of on 1-10, how nice am I? 100
17. Give me a nickname and explain why I picked it.
18. Am I loveable? yes
19. How long have you known me? A day
20. Describe me in one word. woot
21. What was my first impression? Wow
22. Do you think that way about me now? No its wore like friends for life
23. What do you think my weakness is? boys
24. Do you think I would get married? yes
25. What about me makes you happy? Your personallity
26. What about me makes you sad? nothing
27. What reminds you of me? Role playing
28. What's something you would change about me? nothing
29. How well do you know me? Not as well as id like to
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? nope
31. Do you think I would kill someone? Not really
32. Are we close? I would say
33.Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? dhu

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