Tabina looked around the room, trying to spot anything that would help. There was a phone, but its cable was disconnected from the outlet… And it looked like the tip had been cut. Great… Perfect. With a scowl, she brought herself off the bed and stood on the floor, once more scanning the room with her eyes. It looked like an apartment room… One hardly ever used. There was a kitchen with nothing in it and a blank face on the microwave, there was the living area/bedroom where she was in, and a door leading to what she assumed was the bathroom and an open door that showed a bare space; A closet. And Sean did say something about meeting a guy in the west complex… So she guessed she was in another apartment complex on the other side of town. So that means I have no clue where I am still! She thought angrily, kicking the foot of the bed hard. She felt a pain shoot through her toe and she brought back her foot, seeing a dent in the wood. Standing on one foot, she looked from the dented wood to the door. Maybe…? The door was made of wood too. It was sure to be stronger, but it was worth a try wasn’t it?
Walking to the door, she turned her back on it, standing on her toes to try to reach the door knob. Stupid… Handcuffs, she thought, feeling the cold metal barely touch the tip of her fingers. With a growl of annoyance she turned to face the door, trying to break her hands from the cuffs once more. It felt like they were getting tighter each second and the cloth was cutting into her jaw a little more… But ignoring that, she began to kick hard at the door, feeling the sharp pain shoot from her foot each time.
After ten minutes, her kicks were becoming softer and softer. Tabina was tired… Both her legs were hurting, it felt like she had actually cut her wrists against the metal links, and she felt dizzy… She gave the door one more feeble kick before hearing a loud knocking at the door.
“Mr. Ray, my aunt asked if you could keep it down in there,” came a girl’s voice through the door. Tabina’s heart jumped. Someone heard! She began to kick at the door heard again, hearing the girl call for her mom between the loud bangs!
“Sean, we’re trying to work next door,” said a woman. Tabina kicked the door harder and harder. She was started to pant a little through the gag, but she kept going. They’re going to open the door any second… Any second, she told herself between each kick. “Sean? Are you in there?” asked the woman. Tabina stopped kicking to catch her breath a moment. “Mira, go get the spare key,” said the woman quietly. “I’m going to get Karla at the corner just in case....” Tabina assumed the girl did what she was told, because a few moments later of kicking she saw the door knob move around. She gave the door one last kick before seeing the door swing open to reveal a girl standing there.

“Oh my god…. Aunt El!” shouted the girl over her shoulder. “Aunt El there’s a girl in here!”
Tabina smiled a little inwardly. She hadn’t seen Lieanna… She just saw a random girl. With a very faint sigh she closed her eyes and she felt herself falling forwards onto the girl. “Hey! Wake up!” said Mira loudly, tapping her face a little before fumbling to remove the gag. From behind her, Tabina saw the woman who had spoken earlier looking down on her with a gasp.

(Aunt Ella)
And from the corner of her half opened eyes, she saw a blond girl in a uniform starting to kneel down beside her.

“T-Thanks...,” said Tabina quietly with a small smile before she closed her eyes and felt herself drift away from the world.
Walking to the door, she turned her back on it, standing on her toes to try to reach the door knob. Stupid… Handcuffs, she thought, feeling the cold metal barely touch the tip of her fingers. With a growl of annoyance she turned to face the door, trying to break her hands from the cuffs once more. It felt like they were getting tighter each second and the cloth was cutting into her jaw a little more… But ignoring that, she began to kick hard at the door, feeling the sharp pain shoot from her foot each time.
After ten minutes, her kicks were becoming softer and softer. Tabina was tired… Both her legs were hurting, it felt like she had actually cut her wrists against the metal links, and she felt dizzy… She gave the door one more feeble kick before hearing a loud knocking at the door.
“Mr. Ray, my aunt asked if you could keep it down in there,” came a girl’s voice through the door. Tabina’s heart jumped. Someone heard! She began to kick at the door heard again, hearing the girl call for her mom between the loud bangs!
“Sean, we’re trying to work next door,” said a woman. Tabina kicked the door harder and harder. She was started to pant a little through the gag, but she kept going. They’re going to open the door any second… Any second, she told herself between each kick. “Sean? Are you in there?” asked the woman. Tabina stopped kicking to catch her breath a moment. “Mira, go get the spare key,” said the woman quietly. “I’m going to get Karla at the corner just in case....” Tabina assumed the girl did what she was told, because a few moments later of kicking she saw the door knob move around. She gave the door one last kick before seeing the door swing open to reveal a girl standing there.

“Oh my god…. Aunt El!” shouted the girl over her shoulder. “Aunt El there’s a girl in here!”
Tabina smiled a little inwardly. She hadn’t seen Lieanna… She just saw a random girl. With a very faint sigh she closed her eyes and she felt herself falling forwards onto the girl. “Hey! Wake up!” said Mira loudly, tapping her face a little before fumbling to remove the gag. From behind her, Tabina saw the woman who had spoken earlier looking down on her with a gasp.

(Aunt Ella)
And from the corner of her half opened eyes, she saw a blond girl in a uniform starting to kneel down beside her.

“T-Thanks...,” said Tabina quietly with a small smile before she closed her eyes and felt herself drift away from the world.