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He whispered cold lies into my ear while I slept, tainting me in my weakest hour. When I close my eyes, I can hear them, icy wind against my eardrum, and I can't help but wonder if they're true...

the cheese to my macaroni
Community Member
Imma dance and Imma prance CUZ ITZ SUMMA!!!
Summer is here, everyone, just in case you didn't feel the HEAT already!!

I'm already sweating buckets and itz ONLI July!! Well...my life has been pretty uneventful. I've got a volunteering thing going at the library. Just, you know, filing and paperwork. I DO get to work with kids and TEENS (yay!). That's a bonus, right? Anywayz...I'm getting bored...

As for my LURVE life... HA! That's, like, dead. Well, not really. About a week and a half ago, I got asked out by an old friend. We almost had something going earlier this year but...yeah. It didn't necessarily work out (see earlier posts). It was Josh. Well...he's a nice guy and the rejection hurt him alot. He doesn't call or anything anymore which, I have to admit, is a relief.

He was pretty upset so I still feel pretty bad. On the brightside, he got scouted by a talent agency. He's thinking about going into acting. I can imagine 5 years from now. Quitting college, working part-time as a waiter, struggling to pay rent yet still hoping that he's "make it big"....that's a wonderful goal to strive for, huh? LOL. I wish him luck though.

I can't wait for Knott's. I got to go lots of times last years with my friends. It's WAAAY fun. The last week of July, I'm going with my friend, Aya, who's 19. She's really cool and has GREAT artist skills. She's very talented. Currently, she's boyfriend-less and NOT LOOKING FOR ONE. Also, she's been working at a hospital and attending a city college. Not to mention, she's also mentally disabled which works as a benefit for her at times. She's really cool so you can't tell at first but you realize after a while.

I'm looking forward to summer next year though. I'll be going to the Philippines alone. This year we had to cancel because of some family problems. My mom says that when they're done, she's going to build another house in the Philippines, one where I can stay for the whole summer. She said she'll get Grandma and some cousins to stay with me too so I'm kind excited. I've never flown alone so I'm a little scared.

Kimerald left for the Philippines a while ago. Kathx3 has been preoccupied with her siblings. They just came to the States about a month ago and she's pysched to have them back. I'm glad for her because she really missed them. They haven't seen each other in YEARS, which must be torture. I don't have any sibs crying but I consider my friends as my sistas and bruddas!! yay!!

I really miss my closest, bestest brudda, Dylan!! I'm not sure when I get to see him again but I REALLI miss him. He's not my real brother but we're close. I even miss his friends, Dominique and Jonothan, which says alot. Being stuck beside them for 6 months in class while they gross me out and test my PATIENCE daily IS NOT EASY but I feel a sense of loss, however SMALL. LOL. I'll tell you who I DON'T MISS: my ex. It took me a while but I realized that itz not the end of the world and that what's done is done. My feelings are waning and fading so it doesn't hurt that much anymore. Who knows? I might find a HOTTER bf in high school xd xd xd !!!

Well....I'm gonna go!! Miss u all and drop a PM anytime!!


1. How much could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
2. Would you date a skater, a jock, a prep or a gangta?
3. Can you donate some money to me?!?!?!

User Comments: [2]
Community Member

Sat Jul 07, 2007 @ 06:15am

1.) i don't really noe what u are talkin about!!
2.) i would date a skater!! they are major stupied and thats how i like them
3.) hellz nah u must be trippen girl!

Community Member

Thu Jul 12, 2007 @ 06:44pm

u write too much... btw. pm me when u get the chance... its muy importante

User Comments: [2]
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