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Drop Dead Confused on Daily Life
A random collection of my personal favorite rantings and quotes for fellow Gaians to enjoy.
This is a story about yarn.

Once upon a time, long ago, Bubba took her two daughters to the craft store.

She said, "LET'S BUY YARN!!!!!"

DDConfused said, "YAY YARN!!!"

DDC's sister, Noopa said, "YAY YARN!!!"

So they all skipped off merrily to the yarn section of the store.

Aisle upon aisle of woolen goodness.

"Ooooo pretty colors!!" Noopa exclaimed and ran along, tossing balls of the good stuff into the cart.

"TeXtIlE MaNiA!!" DDC yelled with joy, also tossing yarn into the cart.

"How about...STOP IT YOU TWO!!!" Bubba cried. The two girls had already filled the entire cart with yarn.

"We don't need this much yarn!!" Bubba complained, looking with a sinking feeling in her wallet at the mound of fiber.

Nobody really understands what happened next.

Perhaps it was the two girl's well honed persuasive techniques.

Perhaps it was Bubba's long lasting devotion to supporting her daughters' hobbies.

Or maybe it was the fact that all three of them liked yarn WAY too much to put any back.

Whatever the reason, they bought it. An ENTIRE cart full of yarn.

To this day, DDC is still using skein upon skein of that day's purchases.

One sad thing happened, on that joyous day of yarn buying:

They didn't get a shade of green that is just right for making anything of any interest.

Oh sure. They got OLIVE green and NATURAL green, but in the three women's tizzy, they omitted all the important greens.

Kelly green.

Yellow green.

Pea green.

Sea foam green.

And most importantly, lime green.

DDC is stuck.

Whenever she complains that she doesn't have the right shade of green yarn for any particular project, Bubba replies:

"OMG, DDC, we bought all that yarn that one time, and you still aren't satisfied?!"

"Basically, yeah." DDC is forced to reply.

And every time this happens, Bubba refuses to buy DDC more yarn.

And so it will be, until our heroine, DDC, uses all the ghastly incorrect shades of green yarn up and then Bubba shall be forced to purchase more yarn.

Until that day, I remain your faithful servant,

CoOby...(aka DDC, whatever you prefer.)

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