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Drop Dead Confused on Daily Life
A random collection of my personal favorite rantings and quotes for fellow Gaians to enjoy.
And from different soil-
It is incredibly amazing what a different vantage point cando for you.

I learned so much in Italy and there is so much still to learn. Traveling away from the United States for the first time was not an eye opener. No it was more like having a bony hand strike you across the face, grab you by the sholder, throw you down the stairs and as you are tumbling down, yell: "WAKE UP!!!!!!!"

It was quite an experience.

Many people on the trip complained they were too tired, they wanted to slow down, they didn't feel good, and they just wanted to go home. I'll admit, I was exceedingly tired and my feet were so swolen from walking I had to cram them into my shoes but I could not slow down and did not want to go home.

Sure I missed some stuff from America (like toilet seats, washcloths, and salt) but there was such an unbelieveable amount of things in Italy that I didn't want to leave.

Another confession, I didn't get homesick until the bus was on 75. That's when it all hit me that I had been away from everything I knew for almost two weeks. Of course I missed everyone, but not to the extent that I stopped taking in everything I saw and focused on going home. No, that would have been a waste to do that.

I did however, turn to people a few times and say things that were inside jokes with Kody, Sammi, and even my sister. That got a little wierd.

I am glad to be home, but if you came up to me right now and said "We have one ticket left for Rome, can you go?" I'd be out the door.

Honestly, my life shall never be the same.

Call me because I really really really miss talking to you guys.

All my love.

Ps- I took almost 2000 pictures. heh.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jun 14, 2007 @ 03:01pm
2000 pix? You crazy little rabid squirrel!!!

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