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My journal
When I was young, I had two big fears. Pain, and death. However, I have learned not to fear those such things. There is a saying, that the indians said to themselves and their warriors before going into battle. Their saying was "Today, is a great day to die". Once you learn that concept, and start thinking it more and more, you no longer fear pain, or death. Pain is only a state of mind, and as far as death goes, it is a moment of pain, whether it last for a second or an hour. It is a passing from one world to another (that is if you believe in such things as heaven and hell). Some people fear death, and the main reason or reasons for that is either, they don't want to go through some sort of judgment, or they fear the pain. Ask you're self, are you one of these persons? You need to be ready to let go of regret, because if you hold in you're regret, it will change you.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jul 01, 2007 @ 04:51pm
Wow that is powerful. crying

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 03, 2007 @ 05:54pm
Wow, that's like, really really deep.

Community Member
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