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Niashu (Mistic Dragon RP Character) Profile
Name: Niashu
Age:Adolescent (exact years unknown)
Gender: Female
Race: Dragon
Powers/Abilities: flight, flame, claw, and the ability to learn willingly and quickly
Appearance: she has a spade tail, spiny back, and four limbs all clawed. also with bright red scales and an orange slash on her snout and there are many battle scars elsewhere on her body. her eyes are a deep blue with lighter blue near the edges.
Personality: She is very independant and does not let anyone or anything stand in her way. she has a great amount of loyalty to her friends and allies, and easily hates those who hurt her. though she's rough around the edges, she is really a sweetheart inside.
Back Story: Her past is full of hate and pain. even when she was in an egg, she was hurt. her life started out with her parents abandoning her and Rena finding her and saving her from Malachis's wrath. and after her training, she fled to the mountains, to battle other feral dragons and to eventually become a magnificant fighter. and running into her old friend Rena and her charges was not on purpose, yet it turned out for the best... maybe......

Gaia name: DragonKat99
Actual Age: 13
~see profile for more info~

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