Dominico Savarucci
Amelia Antipatica
The Fantasy in my pants.
Gay bar in my pants.
The Story in my pants.
Gay bar in my pants.
The Story in my pants.
"Little Jimmy is on the onset of a very magical time that happens to all boys his age sooner or later. Bodily changes abound, and all of Little Jimmy's questions can be summed up with this one:
'Hey, Narrator, what's....*Title Screen Flashes Up* THE STORY IN MY PANTS?'"
Dominico Savarucci
biggrin Soyeah, I was gonna surprise you with a map of our park, but it evolved into this and I like it better.
Oh, and I found this on my PhotoBucket and thought I'd share it. See, I was talking to my friend about how God is probably one of those old guys who tries to be hip. I found some paper and a marker. Then along came RockerGod.

On his shirt is "Jess and the Seraphic Choir," the name of Jesus's rock band. God likes to advertise his son's band. He's such a cool dad.
Now that I've flooded your inbox with stupidity, I'll go find a quote from you for the thread. 3nodding

Oh, and I found this on my PhotoBucket and thought I'd share it. See, I was talking to my friend about how God is probably one of those old guys who tries to be hip. I found some paper and a marker. Then along came RockerGod.

On his shirt is "Jess and the Seraphic Choir," the name of Jesus's rock band. God likes to advertise his son's band. He's such a cool dad.
Now that I've flooded your inbox with stupidity, I'll go find a quote from you for the thread. 3nodding
Amelia Antipatica
Amelia Antipatica
Amelia Antipatica
Amelia Antipatica
It;s always funny to watch a Cracked Out Narutard rant.
NARUTARDs will own the world one day.
Another one for the Journal..
-Colourful Suicide-
Before I cross my heart and hope to die at all...
Dear Diary,
I saw onikaji. He looked particularly insane today. Everyone else looked really scared. I don't know why. && Is there something growing on my face? Oh well. I decided to follow him around for a while before he managed to lose me. Damn.
Oh well, with losing onikaji, I found Amelia! I stalked followed her and her amazing Gothic Lolita-ness for as long as I could without her noticing. ;_; &3
Hoping no one gets restraining orders on me...
...Take off my mask and leave the lies to the liars...
m a g i c a l p o t a t o
hehehe bound to happen some day
La Mafia
There's not much I know about you
Fear will always make you blind
to be honest amelia, i love you to death! but dont tell tato, she might kill us both! xd
but seriously, awesome avy, and such a winning personality you have, your one awesome person, and quite easy to love! wink
But the answer is in clear view
It's amazing what you'll find face to face

Fear will always make you blind
to be honest amelia, i love you to death! but dont tell tato, she might kill us both! xd
but seriously, awesome avy, and such a winning personality you have, your one awesome person, and quite easy to love! wink
But the answer is in clear view
It's amazing what you'll find face to face

Ivy Foxfeather

next: Apocalyptica
Dominico Savarucci
He does. wink I never said he didn't have them all in the same hour, did I?
Um, reserved before this gets any more awkward. We're discussing the sex life of a cartoon character in Highlights magazine. AWKWARDLALALALALALA.
Um, reserved before this gets any more awkward. We're discussing the sex life of a cartoon character in Highlights magazine. AWKWARDLALALALALALA.
Do boys really/talk about/think about/joke about/[masturbate] as much as the media/my dad says they do?
Bulma Greenleaf
You're becoming more and more of a trusted and loved face around here in the WG. I'm really glad to have you around here, you're such an amazing addition to this forum! 4laugh heart
I try to think of the GD as a cart full of hunchbacked retards who scream obceneties and throw fecal matter at anyone who passes by. It makes it easier to tolerate this s**t.
Super LinZ
^^^Herrreee kitteh kitteh kitteh!
Dayum, my zombiefied friend---you always look great and this outift is no exception! It's quite rad and has kind of a contemporary fashionable style for something you coudl wear in RL---I dont know what I'm blabbing about. xD
Anyway, you look great! 'nuff said! heart
^^&^ Swooshed by Millie and Mobie dahlings....WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED?! wink It seems you two lurk the "say nice things about people's pixels" threads and I dig it! You lovely gals are the poster childs for positive feedback around the WG!
Dayum, my zombiefied friend---you always look great and this outift is no exception! It's quite rad and has kind of a contemporary fashionable style for something you coudl wear in RL---I dont know what I'm blabbing about. xD
Anyway, you look great! 'nuff said! heart
^^&^ Swooshed by Millie and Mobie dahlings....WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED?! wink It seems you two lurk the "say nice things about people's pixels" threads and I dig it! You lovely gals are the poster childs for positive feedback around the WG!

Amelia PWNS!!! :]

Your avi is awesome, but not as close to being as awesome as the person behind it is.&3
Dominico Savarucci
^^I heart j00! D& You make the best signs ever. Plus, you're all for pushing society in the right direction. Amelia, you give me hope for the future of mankind.
^Niiiiiiice color scheme! biggrin And you seem really friendly, too!
^Niiiiiiice color scheme! biggrin And you seem really friendly, too!
WOOT. Noice.
Bathtime Fairy !
"Amelia! What the hell are you doing in my bathroom?"
Bathtime Fairy !
"Amelia! What the hell are you doing in my bathroom?"
Dominico Savarucci
Lia-Lia's CAR FRIGGEN SWERVED. She hit a deer. cry
rofl Oh good Lord, was that seriously you?! Daaaaammmn, Amelia! XDDD I love how you have better typing skills than the helper girl.
My kids would turn out freakin' amazing if they grew up watching you. See, everytime they heard a "Deedeedee" they'd whip out little shotguns ready to take down another jackass in the world. And then a bell would ring and they'd get an animal cracker.
Amelia's Morality Army Funtime Hour. emo heart Making the world a better place, one brainwashing at a time.
Amelia Antipatica
Status: Connecting ...
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: jan(8311 cool
jan(8311 cool : Welcome to ChaCha!
You: Hey
jan(8311 cool : hello
You: I need help finding Dramatic Entrances.
You: Grandma's turning 100. I think she deserves a big, grand entrance.
You: Make all the 90 year old's jelious, ya know?
jan(8311 cool : what specifically do you mean by grand entrance
You: Fireworks, music.
You: That deal.
You: She's on an oxygen tank, so be careful with the results.
jan(8311 cool : dont really think i am going to be able to help you with that
You: Oh, please.
You: Just try!
You: I really want to make her smile!
You: She just had a pace maker put in!
jan(8311 cool : sorry i dont really see anything that fits what you need
Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: jan(8311 cool
jan(8311 cool : Welcome to ChaCha!
You: Hey
jan(8311 cool : hello
You: I need help finding Dramatic Entrances.
You: Grandma's turning 100. I think she deserves a big, grand entrance.
You: Make all the 90 year old's jelious, ya know?
jan(8311 cool : what specifically do you mean by grand entrance
You: Fireworks, music.
You: That deal.
You: She's on an oxygen tank, so be careful with the results.
jan(8311 cool : dont really think i am going to be able to help you with that
You: Oh, please.
You: Just try!
You: I really want to make her smile!
You: She just had a pace maker put in!
jan(8311 cool : sorry i dont really see anything that fits what you need
My kids would turn out freakin' amazing if they grew up watching you. See, everytime they heard a "Deedeedee" they'd whip out little shotguns ready to take down another jackass in the world. And then a bell would ring and they'd get an animal cracker.
Amelia's Morality Army Funtime Hour. emo heart Making the world a better place, one brainwashing at a time.
w00t, back to the red and black, I see? Still like it :3
Man, when I read your username, I think of the Disney movie Aristocats where the drunk goose Uncle Waldo shouts "Abigale!! AMEEEEElia!!!"
Super LinZ
*Hugs from the other side*
The other other white meat. whee
The other other white meat. whee
Lotus Nymph
I like how you spread out the purple throughout your avatar. : O
Overall you look badass. : D
v AMELIA. You know those are illegal in the WG.
>> << *whispers* I bet on Juan in the next fight. *gives a twenty*
Overall you look badass. : D
v AMELIA. You know those are illegal in the WG.
>> << *whispers* I bet on Juan in the next fight. *gives a twenty*
Dominico Savarucci
^^Of course your chicken is out of place. He's an illegal immigrant. Oh God, that was AWFUL of me. D: Dare to be different. But I suppose this is the "Simon" thread, so I'll post the following: The chick is out of place, it needs more yellow to balance it out. Yeah. I honestly don't mind. Don't take pixels so seriously. XD Love ya, Lia
I know, I know, I'm a n00b. >_>
I know, I know, I'm a n00b. >_>
Dominico Savarucci
Is he, now? ...DEEDEEDEE! *watches as children assemble rifles and salute in perfect formation* KILL. scream
Very good. *ding* You get one animal cracker each.
Very good. *ding* You get one animal cracker each.
Kid Icarus
- Is the one I made you one of them?!?!?!?!
I love abusing punctuation marks that aren't the period like I'm a nun using the computer for excitement.
Kid Icarus
- Lemme put it in recipe form.
1 frozen banana, cut in four blender friendly chunks
2.5 scoops of vanilla ice cream
1 cup of milk
1/3 cup coffee
2-3 tbsp of chocolate syrup
1/2 tsp of coconut extract (or 1 tbsp of coconut rum)
2.5 scoops of vanilla ice cream
1 cup of milk
1/3 cup coffee
2-3 tbsp of chocolate syrup
1/2 tsp of coconut extract (or 1 tbsp of coconut rum)
Amounts severely approximated.
Kid Icarus
- Psh. You got me so angry, I'm seeing RED.
You're so cold, but you're RED hot.
Hahhahahahaha. Puns.
Meitantei! Cobalt
Huzzah late entry into conversations cool
Huzzah late entry into conversations cool
Economical Slurpee
There is only one god. Light Yagami, please stop applying for the position.
Really now, Ratio. Enough is enough.
Iijima Hanada
Farmer John's wife ain't got s**t on you.
Stolz, Treue, Blut und Ehre
biggrin IT IS NIFTY.
The combination of cute and innocent with BIG BADASS CHAINSAW is wonderful. biggrin
Wir kommen wieder im feldgrauen Ehrenkleid!
biggrin IT IS NIFTY.
The combination of cute and innocent with BIG BADASS CHAINSAW is wonderful. biggrin
Wir kommen wieder im feldgrauen Ehrenkleid!
Steals monies from jtpjet*
Suddenly has monies to buy some french fries for Amelia* XD
Suddenly has monies to buy some french fries for Amelia* XD
- What is this?
The entertainment is truely from the kitchen?
Well, I'll be.
Thell tell these stories and you'd never guess it.
She cooks, she cleans, she entertains
She's all in one, a magnificent thing.
She is surely an extraordinary machine.
phearh mah randoomnessity~
"Let us have a delightful cup of tea."
"Let us have a delightful cup of tea."
- G'day Miss Amelia, I see you're doing well.
How are the boys? Up to thier usual shananagins I presume.
Well, give them my best.
I'm off to the Wilds again.
I don't get paid to have idle chit-chat, but wouldn't that be something.
I'll see if I can bring back something of interest for you.
Take care, I'll be seeing you another time Miss Amelia
-tips hat-
[you look lovely in pinks and pales o--o]
phearh mah randoomnessity~
"With a little vinegar and a lot of fire
You can remove all traces of grunny urine
from any article of clothing...
alon with the article itself..."
"With a little vinegar and a lot of fire
You can remove all traces of grunny urine
from any article of clothing...
alon with the article itself..."
- Miss Amelia, I love you
Miss Amelia, you know it's true
I'll strum my guitar
And wait by the fire
Waiting just for you
'Cause Miss Amelia, it's cold outside
And Miss Amelia, it's warm by your side
Oh Miss Amelia, I love you.
[^x5 lookin shazzy as always]
phearh mah randoomnessity~
"String Solo"
"String Solo"
Kid Icarus
- Once upon a time, in a land far far away, somewhere in the south, there lived a little boy named Billy and his best friend, Tyqueesha. Billy and Tyqueesha didn't have many friends because Billy had realized at a very young age that he should've been born a woman and Tyqueesha, well, let's just say she was black in a town that hated black people and she had to be indoors by 7 PM or the townspeople would get ready to kill a b***h and because of the racially discriminative political system, they would probably get away with it. Let's just say that.
So one day Billy and Tyqueesha were in the sandbox, playing a healthy game of I'll Show You Mine if You Show me Yours when the neighborhood bully came and told them in a voice filled with bully-like sounds, "This is my sandbox, so get your socially unacceptable asses out of it." To which Billy replied in a voice which made it clear that he had reached a revelation in his life and had had enough of the prejudice and segregation said, "I have reached a revelation in my life and have had enough of the prejudice and segregation."
After getting his a** kicked, he passed out. When he came to, Tyqueesha told him that all the mean old narrow-minded townspeople were going to mount their asses... on their wall. Now Billy had always wanted his picture on everyone's wall, but he had a more flattering side of him in mind.
So they packed their bags and smashed their piggy banks and by noon the next day, they were in the slums of super-liberal New Jer-- Excuse me, town. After they had exhausted their dimes and quarters on weed and Cheetos, the children decided they needed jobs. Billy got a job peddling crack from a man named Big Johnny and Tyqueesha took to the streets to become a great big whore. Because there we so many crazy sick bastards in the world who liked to touch little kids like you, but that's another story. (i.e. R. Kelly)
Several months had passed and Tyqueesha was making a lot of money. So much that Billy quit his job, became her pimp, and could afford a sex change and will henceforth be referred to as Jessica Alba, as was his request. It was Tyqueesha's birthday and she was turning 7, so instead of going to work, she went to a magical place called Roberto-Cavalliville and bought an enchanted chinchilla coat which had the mysterious of making people jealous.
When Jessica Alba saw this, she became very very player-hater-ish and said to her and said, "b***h, why you ain't bring that green? I'm about ready to slap a ho!" And she slapped that ho with such a force that had suggested that she hadn't always been a woman. Tyqueesha cried and cried and cried and cried because of their ruined friendship. She felt so bad that she took a tub of magical jelly beans, which she had purchased from a wise old drug dealer, and swallowed them all, which killed her and she died.
When Jessica Alba saw this, her heart filled with remorse and other such big words which implied that she felt really really bad for what she had done. She stepped out onto the balcony of their apartment and, in a fit of hopeful splendor, attempted to fly into... the pavement.
And they both lived happily ever after--
--dead, of course.
[ Danger Woman ]
MILLY! I actually had a dream about you last night! rofl
I dreamt you were being a real betch on the forums and I got my panties all up in a twist over it and then you were telling me something about how this rabbit escaped and it really made you upset so you were cranky to everyone...
My dreams are so random. D:
Anyway. I don't think you're a betch--I actually enjoy your playful mean streak! ;D
I dreamt you were being a real betch on the forums and I got my panties all up in a twist over it and then you were telling me something about how this rabbit escaped and it really made you upset so you were cranky to everyone...
My dreams are so random. D:
Anyway. I don't think you're a betch--I actually enjoy your playful mean streak! ;D
Community Member