Amelia Antipatica By Gregger. I was REALLY surprised to get the first piece. And I laughed my a** off when he showed me the coloring process. xDDD And the second and third ones were awesome random gifts. I love that child and his talents. &33

A REALLY, SUPER CUTE Pixel by MizAsianAngel. I &333333 this little dolly o’ mine. THANK, THANK YOU Princess Mizzy!

A great birthday gift from Alexroo. <33

A kickass flob by the one and only porkiie. &3333

Amelia in battle? Oh boy! Erica vs Amelia by Erica Strikes. &33

Signs?! I love signs! A badass sign from Neverar Ultima

The Death of Amelia Antipatica By Economical Slurpee. This was the spawn of a crack conversation. xD

An adorable Amy Chat Bubble by Eisbeere.

Now, this one has a funny story. Myin of the WG drew it for me, but she did so because I fought with her over a donation. She kept trying to give me gold, but I put my foot down and said NO. Instead, she gave me this. xD &3

By MekMek. &3 This was the first piece I got from a quick little freebie shop. =3 It was awesome.

This one was done By Pyll. This has to be one of absolute favorites. Her style is unlike any I’ve seen and she made the Lolita Avi beautiful. &3 Colored version by the kick a** Raguel Archangel. &3333333

A unique little MS_Paint Victora_lover. I think it’s pretty cool. 3nodding

Another favorite of mine by Aisu_Sennyo. This was a dabble in a new style she was testing. I haven’t talk to her since, but I hope she continued with it.

And look at what we have here. Now, here are some awesome pictures. Amy and Iiji trying to lay each other out, and Amy and the crew looking freakin’ epic by QB Girl. I find these insanely awesome. 3nodding

By Alt F4. I think it’s adorable. &3 I love the way the head is tilted.

See how adorable people draw me? I love this chibi by Auri-Lucia. =3

Draw by [Jess]. A cute little Amelia doll. &33

An ink by September Smoke. Stunning! I love this one to death. &333

Oh boy, lookie here! It’s Amy, Iiji and Kid in an epic drawing by Kuei. 8D

By my good friend Domonic Saravucci. XD This was a spawn of one of my hissy fits.

Done by Putz In De Bootz. &3 I think it’s pretty cute,

VanillaNinja did this one for me. I really love how she colored it. Looks awesome. =3

By Lavendarwish. Watercolors are one of my favorites, so of course I adore these colors.

Doodled by iTig. The body looks stunning, and so do all the little details. =3

Daqi drew this for me. He mostly does guy avis, so it was a step out of his comfort zone for him. Still, I really like how it turned out. &3

A cute, cute, cute head shot by yukisuzu9!

A Chibi-like drawing b Infinite Radii. I love this one. &3 Another cutie.

An AMAZING picture by Kieu. I love this girl’s style to DEATH. &3333

[ L ! A N G ] drew this for me since she liked my avatar at the Gaia Ball Event. &3

OMG. AMY’Z AN EGGZ. A happy/cute pic by Tyn_Dawn

A gorgeous image drawn by Raddish. I LOVE this.

An elegant lineart of Amelia Antipatica and Iijiama Hanada doing battle by anonymousvampire. I’m in love with this picture. &3

This one is awesome! I love pop art, and Ayutastique really captured the feel!

A really cute head piece done by BabyCinnamonroll

Three gorgeous pieces by Vilyanar. &33 Love her style and her.

An uber adorable doodle by oceon ezriah.

This is one of my loves. A pre-battle Amy vs. Iiji by Tari Minyatur

Two neat doodles of my boys, Iijiama and Kid, and I by Angel Earth. 3nodding

by sukiyaki star. &33 This one is just adorable.

A cute sketch by leaf. =3

Amy’s gone Chibi. 8D By [Life] &3

An adorable piece by -aquaticandy-. &333

This cute little sketch was by jelly doughnut.

IT’S A MINI AMY. =O AND IT’S FREAKIN’ CUTE. Thank you, The Pirate Kuei. &3

A really nifty doodle by Flagless. Holy crap, did I just say ‘nifty?’ o.O

This little piece was from x[ m y s t i c ]x

An MS paint by szulikk. Thank you!

A tincey wincy sketch by [ ‘sAkurA]
Well. That’s it. For now at least. &3 Thanks to all my artists who took the time to doodle little Miss Amy. &333 I appreciate it!
NOTE: I am SO sorry if I lost your artzies. D=! If you would like, send them again.