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uncomfortable shoes, work shirts, and living conditions
when wearing the njrotc uniform, skirts are definatly the way to go. ok, so i like the pants better- but the shoes rock out loud (well, compared to the other choice...). sure, i hate pumps with a passion, and skirts make me look like a girly-a** priss, but hey- beats the hell out of wearing those damned shoes! ya have to polish and brush the dirts off of them, and shine them, and blah blah blah blah blah. i had a color guard thingy this morning, and, boy- i'm tellin' ya- those shoes are a bi-atch!!!!!! and it was cold as hell outside cause the weatherman doesn't understand that it's supposed to be spring!!! brrrrr. yea. so i had to wake up ay 6:30 AM to go do this thing, get back home at 9:30, and then sit around all day being bored out of my mind.
Flex is out of town, Blondie is working for the njrotc unit concessions, and Eduardo is at confermation/work. so. no cool. i went to eduardo's work the other day, embarassed him a bit.... it was funny. he was so cute, all blushin' and crap. he get's his liscense this week, that should be f**-tastic.... but we can't do anything cause he's got work. damn, i hope his work shirt is ITCHY!!! ermm..... i mean.... yea.
i can't sit down for 10 mins without my mama needing something, gawd i can't wait until she recovers from her back surgery, my house is becoming a place of no rest!!! boo.

Fang of Adyna
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Fang of Adyna
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