Fears to Tears, and the Polar Bear Plungin' of New Drivers
yea, so i commanded inspection at an ns1 drill competition this weekend, my fist time so i was really nervous. i was so nervous i was crying and about to throw up.... but then the mid inspecting me asked if i was nervous.... i said yessir, and he asked "why?" then i realised that it was competely retard of me to be scared. i mean, i enjoy this, right? so why the hell am i scared and not having fun??? lol. so i stoped freaking out. at awards, inspection grabbed 1st place and my fearful tears changed to tears of amazment and happiness. i was amazed, not that my team got first, cause all the cadets rocked, but that i survived the whole day. o yea- i'm going out with a crazy-a** cracker. eduardo came over and decided that he was gonna go swimming in the river. now guys, i live in maryland, it is april, and it was 60 outside... he is a crazy a** cracker. of course, he chicked out from the polar bear plunge, and we went hottubbing instead (yow! heart ). so i had fun, and my baby didn't turn into a icecicle. speakin' of my baby, he got his license saturday, so now we can go crusin' (and parkin' heh wink ) whenever we want. ooooooooooo yea! xp