This was my day on friday:
My parents had been gone that week so were supposed to return around... 7-8 o'clock on friday (at night). I had just gotten my pay check. I get one monthly from 20 to 70 dollars if there's a bonus. This month it was over 57 dollars. I took out 40 from it, and went to the store. It took around half an hour to get to Safeway since the Ralphs store had shut down last year. I donated the loose change to some homeless home and went inside. there I bought a green and a yellow zuccini each at 1.50$ and some broccoli which was also about a 1.50$. I also bought 2 pounds of fish at 7.45$ a pound and aoli sauce at 2.50$. After that I bought three pounds of red potatoes at about 1.99$ a pound, the same amount as the cherries which I bought two pounds of. In the end it cost 27$ and some change. After that I asked the guy taking donations if he was hungry or thirsty- in the end I bought him a 4.99$ sandwich and a .75cent bag of chips. I ever told my parents about that part. I had left at around 3:40 for the store and when I got home it was 6:00. I cooked the things and also made rice, to which my parents got home at 6:50, earlier than expected. I finished making dinner at 7:30 and we ate. Mom was grateful, dad was too, but it seemed forced since mom kept nagging him. at around 9:30, I made dessert. I took the pits out of the cherries- halving them and then dicing them by hand and putting them into a mini bowl with some sugar to make a syrup since we had no chocolate syrup or chocolate of any kind. I did have some creme wafer rolls to which I cut into fourths. I got the icecream out and balled it up for each person, making a niche in the top for the diced cherries and syrup to flow down from. then I got 4 cherry halves and put them on either side like north east west and south, doing the same with the wafer rolls. After that I put a whole wafer roll with the concoction and handed them out. It was good. My dad said that if it had been rated like those chefs on tv, it would have gotten high marks especially for appearance.
Saturday, I helped move a lot of my sister's things to be brought to minnesota- where she is now. On the way back we got cherries and plums and pistaccios which were all very good. I also got a typewriter! I really like it, and it was in perfect condition and for free as well. I'm going to probably make a dessert like last night tonight as well-- I made dinner again tonight with the fish that was left from last night. I'm giving everyone a break. This won't last long though. ^ ^ but I'm happy right now, so it's okay. heart
bluevibes · Sun Jun 03, 2007 @ 04:16am · 0 Comments |