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My journal
Like one of my very good friends, I too suffer from insomnia (lack of sleep). I have been really saddened by alot of events that have happened in my life. I cannot sleep not because of anxiety, but because of saddness. There are lots of things that are making me sad. But the main reason is because I'm moving. I may not be on gaia as much as I was either because I'm busy or I'm to depressed to go on. But not everything in my life is going bad. I have a couple of good friends that back me up in my daily life. Well, until I go into a complete state of deppresion, I say this to myself and others like me, keep you're chin up.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed May 30, 2007 @ 04:54am
I'm sorry. You may not know me that much but I am your friend so if you want to talk I can try to help to make you feel better. When you move you will still have us and you'll make new friends too. It's good to say "Keep your chin up." It means you are still going to try to make it through, and if you believe you're going to make it through with good days you will. Just believe and it'll be okay.

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