So cold the nighttime brings. Whether it be in the heat
Of summer months where pools pervade with children so young.
Or the soundly emptiness in the frozen rivers where cars
Cease to tread in the death of the Winter.
There had been an entity that negated the adverse effects
That these deities brought. It was a virtuous entity carrying
A song of solitude, yet... magnificence with its words and creeds.
Even though they may have strayed from their path; the blunder
Was noticed and accounted for, and would hopefully not be committed again.
The divinity, as it has been come to known, brought clouds to
The intense burning rays. Brought water to empty areas for recreation.
Taciturnity whereabouts changed to boisterous tides of relation in the banks
That once layed still. In a single moment there rest nirvana. Sweet.
Blithe. Tranquil. T'was Though there was a choir of seraphs around.
Now all of it gone with a winter/summer flash. As promptly as it came,
So was it to leave. As our existence we would scarcely encounter that sweet
Atmospheric sensation that rushes over us in but a beat of a dogs heart.
Leaving us yearning and lachrymatory for the following days to come.
Comments (2 Comments)
- Husk3 - 06/13/2010
- thank you, that means a lot! I worked hard on it to try and express how I was feeling. picking out the words that I felt not only fit the definition of what I was going for, but the tone in which most people pronounce them as well as all their connotations.
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- XxKitty_of_DeathxX - 06/11/2010
i like it. its unique and intersting. thats what im all about so i like it deffinatley keep writing more!
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