• Look around and observe the planets cruelness. I feel it pullin' me deep into the darkness. I can't see a way out, this must be the end. Then U arrive, the help I knew God would surely send. Isz a pity realy that he sent me heavens utmost. There's so much beauty in my aidful host. How could the Lord not have foreseen that I would fall in love with this perfect stranger. Surely this love could only be a danger. Im drawn towardz U like the force which is gravity. In return for my love, all I require is a lil' sensitivity. But U wouldnt show me even that. U threw me out like an old worn out hat. I reached out to U and offered U all my affection. But all I got back was an armful of rejection. Right then I knew, my worst fear had come true. It was never meant to be, Me and U. And deep within me, under close inspection. U will see that I've been torn apart by your rejection. And yet Im still holdin' on. Tryin' my best to be strong. But happiness is not what this love has brought, but rather a great depression. Destroyin' me from within, is your heartless REJECTION...