Amy and John had been best friends ever since. when they were little, they usually play in the park, they visit each other's houses and even eat on their parent's house. they are like twins because they are inseprable. they got seperated when they were 6 because john's family has to go to states. they both bid goodbye really sad, "we can still be bestfriends and i'll look over you...i promise.." they both said and then hug each other tightly. when they were 13, amy became a beautiful, always into fashion, teenager, while john grew as a handsome, cool teenager. john's family came back from the states to live in the philippines once again. they lived at golden avenue, while amy lived at western village. john transferred to northern bridge high were amy goes to school too. one morning, amy was giggling to her buddies on the classroom while poor john lost and don't know where to go. both didn't know they were on the same places. when the teacher finally came in at room 907. the whole class became quiet when the teacher started calling names to check who's present. a knock on the door was heard. the whole class looked at the door and there came john and asked shyly, "is this room 907?", "yes, and class, i would like you to meet john eric wilson, our new student". when amy heard this, she was happy and shocked, "john, why don't you have seat beside ms. elliot?", "pardon?", making sure he heard right., "over there, boy", he walk to the chair then sat down, then amy said, "hi! im amy..." john looked at her, smilingly he said, "long time no see, i barely recognize you...", "when did you came back?", "1 week ago, by the way, where do you live?", "at..." that conversation continued until dismissal time. since from that day on, they once again became as close as ever and inseprable. but a shocking news came to amy about john, that her parents told her, "amy... john is dead, he passed away yesterday, he had a car accident" upon hearing this news, amy cried and cried. at john's last farewell, amy said in her thoughts while john's coffin was being buried to the ground, "You're the nicest and the bestest friend a person could ever have. I can never forget you John. Its really hard to replace you. Its really hard to find a friend like you..." crying
author - myka-taekwondo(myka)
A Love Triangle
Anna - sweet, outgoing girl Melissa - shy,quiet girl John - handsome,famous, kind guy
Anna and Melissa are identical twin sister, they both lived at Cambridge Village. They both went to West Bridge High. But there just the same on the outside because Anna is an active, kind girl and Melissa was so the opposite of Anna. When they were six, they promised to each other that nothing will come between their relationship. And now they were full grown sophomore students, they have their own gang but most of the time, they were together. When the summer was finally over, they both went back to school and met a new guy, the good thing is they were the only students left the room so they talked, "I'm Melissa and i'm Anna", "Hi, I'm John... nice meeting you", "you're the new guy here, right? the one who transfered from Europe", "yup...that's me..." and that conversation continued the whole period until the three of them became friends. everything went okey with their friendship, but there's just one tiny problem. Anna and Melissa both have a huge crush on John so one time they talked about it which lead to a fight. "I should have him, I'm the first to come out than you?" "No... I should have him, because I was the one who first knew he just transfered here" "At least he likes my cookies not like you, you just write things and that gift is too common..." "At least, Im available not like you, there's a zillion people outside waiting for you...". So the next day, both of them proved to John who was the best until he got rally irritated so he asked "what's up with you two? These past few weeks both of you were acting so weird!" so the girls went straight to the point, "who do you like best?" When John heard this, he became really red and said in an uncomfortable tone "ohh...I.... look guys...I already like someone and she's in Europe, I hope you guys understand and I hope this won't affect our friendship." The girls answered "Of course not because we must not let love come between our friendship." when both said this, they both felt guilty so they started apologizing to each other "Anna..I'm sorry if i told you I was better than you and I'm sorry if i started saying words that are not true", "and me, im sorry that I told you you're gift is common, it is but your compositions are really unique..." the three of them hug each other and went back to the classroom for the last period. biggrin ~END~
author, myka-taekwondo (myka) wink