This is probably the only thing ill type in my journal 3nodding
Name: Lila_wind Age: 11 Race: Human Apperiance: look at my avi Abilities: Anything related to wind that comes to my imagination xp , telekinetic powers, and can go through stuff (walls, floors, etc...) Element: Wind and (very slightly)Light Weapon: sometimes her staff Wich Side Boy's/Girls?: girls History: princess of sky kingdom Other:being the princess she is she NEVER starts a fight. And when asked, she only fights if she has to, or wants to
This is my appereance, when I am in my true angel form 3nodding

Another of my rp characters Profile: Name: Redfire Age: 14 Race: Tameranian Abilities: normal and special tameranian powers, and can go through stuff (walls, floors, etc...) Weapon: cutting-edge fans(like the one's Kitana from MK has) Good/Neutral/Bad?: good History: special warrior of Tameran Other: Even though she's a warrior, she's not very fond of fighting Apperiance: my favorite part whee
~Princess_Lila~ · Tue Feb 22, 2005 @ 04:47pm · 0 Comments |