This just might be my last (hopefully).
I never expected to end this semester on such a high note. I've been journaling for over a year, and if you count from beginning to end, it has been a highly depressing year and a half (i was so messed up). I remember when I started this, all I wanted was a girlfriend. You know, someone to talk to, share my life with (after giving it some thought, all i wanted was someone to b***h to). I don't think I really knew what happiness was and I though I would find it in a girl. I haven't found that girl yet (but i thought a lot of people were her. veronica, ameera, nicole, julie, melinda, sometimes marcela, etc...). But During my search, I've go through so much more. I've been denied, rejected, depressed, alone, afraid (i could go on forever). I turned myself into the world's first male drama queen. I blamed other people for my downfall (i blamed myself for my downfall). I never stopped wanting things. "Why don't I have a girlfriend? What's wrong with me?" I was such a little b***h; crying out to anyone, but no one would answer (so i stood, alone).

As I'm sure you know, I'm going to college soon. My preference is Rochester Institute of Technology. It's about a 6 hour drive. I'm going to be far from the people I once cared about, and to be honest, I might forget about some of them. I'm afraid to be going alone; I don't want leave a place that I'm just getting ready to really love. College is the first step in my walk towards my dream life. I want to work for Google. I want to help the world. I want to help people, using the amazing technologies that are available all over the place. I want a family, and I want to live in a nice city (maybe seattle or portland). I want a lot of things (and if you've been reading this entire time, it might seems like i've gone back to step one). But now the things that I want, are the things that (i might not necessarily need), but are good for me and will server a purpose. other than instant pleasure or happiness (i also need to break a few bad habits; biting my nails, etc...).

Peace Guys and Girls... Rock, Rock On.
P.S. - If ever you are in need of good music, you can't go wrong with these guys (always fresh, always worthy, always cool).
Peace Guys and Girls... Rock, Rock On.
P.S. - If ever you are in need of good music, you can't go wrong with these guys (always fresh, always worthy, always cool).
xxxxPeople Under the Stairs
xxxxPase Rock
xxxxBlue Scholars
xxxxPrefuse 73
xxxxLemon Jelly
xxxxDa' Grassroots
xxxxUyama Hiroto