The Story
These times are different than most, the time is of science and magic, of new and old. There is a mix of past with persent and future. Old weapons exist along side of new, some with magic other just tec. This world is not like our own as it is a mix of the worlds that we do know. This is a story of such a world once at peace but soon in ruins.
There has been a peace laster for many genration, from one King to the next the to kingdom of this land have not fought. They live on the side of the montain that leaves these two kingdom seported for the rest the world. There is a path through the montains be it is a long and dangerues one, people do come and go though. the people of these Kingdoms travles to this land on the other side of the montan long again to make their new homes.
The first people to come to this land were the Gatric people that build their kingdom on the open plains area. These people are more war like in ways since they tend to like sicence more then anything and are more offensiv. But the Gatric King has decided he wants to take the Genie's land for their own, under the rule that the Gatric people were there first and the Genie had no right to it. The Gatric have a menteral mine off in the montains that suround them but what many do not know that the works are slaves forced to to the work and the King plans to send all of the Genie people to work there. The Gatric people have slavery, so higher class people do own slaves in their kingdom. Since the Gatrics and not much for nature they do not like the elves for the fact the elves are all about nature and elves tend to had the ways of the Gatrics.
The Genie Kingdom is ruled by Canon and they are the second people to come to this area. They are a more definsiv people and that is way they live in the forest. They are more into their magic and respect nature more than the Gatric's tend to. They rarely bother the Gatric as the Gatrics rarely bother them in the past. The Genie accept all people into their kingdom and are very freindly people but they are not push overs there people are very good with their magic and the older weapons.
heyyouoverthere01 · Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 11:09pm · 0 Comments |
Profile Set Up Looks: (Pic here) Controlled By: Name: Age: Race: Gender: Role: Weapons: Magic: Skills: Bio: Personality: Other:
heyyouoverthere01 · Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 07:53pm · 0 Comments |
The Genie Kingdom of the Forest |
Looks:  Controlled By: Curt Name: Taven Age: 9,394 Race: Angel Gender: Male Role: canon's father Weapons: His feathers, a sword made from a diamond, and a scythe. Magic: Light healing Skills: He is very agile and talented, he has great wisdom and power that is nearly unsurpassed. He handles all his weapons with precision, but his best are his feathers which he can control, even in mid flight. Bio: About 55 years ago he had met Canon’s mother and fell in love with her, even though he knew it was forbidden to do so. He couldn’t help himself, but one day some angels showed up and forced him to leave his wife and son, or bare witness to there execution before being executed himself. He wouldn’t have been able to bare such a thought, so he left, vowing never to return to his wife, but he never made any such vow for his son. He has always worried about him, and now feels like it’s the time to reunite with him and his faithful friend, Clove. Personality: He is very friendly, and accepting of everyone, unless they prove themselves unworthy of his time and the light of good. He will not judge anyone until he truly gets to know them. He finds it hard to hate, even those who deserve to be hated for what they have done. He hold boundless sympathy for those who are evil and do everything in there power to create turmoil. He will always try and help everyone, even those who have lost there way, he tries to show the light to everyone if he can.
Other: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By:Kristina Name: Canon Age: 35 Race: Human, but is really a half angel Gender: Male Role: Genie King Weapons: A long silver and blue sword, a magic fan fitted with silver blades Magic: fool mastery of the wind. Skills: He is very fast and a gracful man and uses this to avoid being hit. Then to get up close and land quick hits then back off again. He is a hard man to caught because of this. Bio: When his mother was Queen she had fell in love with a wanderer to their land. But this wanderer was an angel and he showed this to Canon's mother and were soon after married. But soon after they had their son he had to leave and never came back. when Canon was old enough she told his this story so he new the truth. When canon was 20 his other died of a broken and lonly heart. He has been King ever since and wounders if he will ever meet his father. Personality: He is a very kind and careing King and cares greatly for his people. He is a just man and trys to always do the right thing when ever he can. Do is happy for the pease and wants to keep the pease between the two kingdoms for as long as posible. Other: Small pet Dragon that can transform into a hug dragon. It is more of a friend to the King and will only follow the kings orders. the Dragon can talk but he picks who he talks to and has grate powers. The dragon's red eye are said to beable to see right through people to their very souls. The dragons name is Shaolin. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By:Curt Name: Clove Age: 180 Race: Elf Gender: Male Role: Adviser to the King Weapons: None Magic: Nature Skills: Quick on his feet Bio: He has been by the king’s side ever since he was born. He was entrusted with his safety from the king and queen. He used to be a lowly elf who had to beg for food, but one day he got lucky and the king took him in as a servant. He was always treated kindly and with respect, something he had never been shown before. When he was given the opportunity to protect the new born king he was surprised beyond belief, but accepted his duty non the less. He will always protect the king, even if it means giving up his life to do so, for his life truly is the kings to do with as he pleases. Personality: he is a very pasive man, and dose not belive in fighting. He is the only person that knows what the King really is. Other: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By: Curt Name: Drake Age: Unknown even to him, he only remembers the last 30 years and looks like he’s in his early 20’s Race: Immortal Gender: Male Role: Top ranked army officer Weapons: A specially crafted sword that holds more secrets then what Drake even knows, it may even contain the secrets to his ancient memories. Magic: All, but doesn’t know it. He only knows how to use water magic. Skills: He is a very skilled fighter and very agile. He is very inelegant when it comes to a lot of things, but mostly strategy. Bio: He doesn’t remember anything past 30 years ago. He was bought before the king around 15 years ago for committing an almost unspeakable crime, and one that has only been performed by one other before him. He had actually managed to steal the most valuable scroll from the kingdom. He was shocked when the king allowed him to tell his side of the story. When Drake told him that he simply wished to find any missing pieces of his lost past the king dismissed the charges and allowed Drake to serve under him if he allowed him to read the scroll. Drake accepted the offer, but found no evidence of his past. He doesn’t regret his decision however, for he has learned a few things since he has taken the offer. He still wishes to unlock the rest of his memories, but he doesn’t know what will happen if he ever does, whether it be a good or bad event, he still needs to know what his life used to hold. Personality: He is a very determined man, he doesn’t like to be pushed around and the only person he will allow to give him orders is the king, but he will accept the word of Clove. If anyone else tries to tell him what to do, he will simply brush it off. He is a very social person, but doesn’t like big crowds, and never reveals anything about himself. He finds it hard to trust anyone no matter what the circumstances are. The only ones he does trust are his closest friends and allies, which he will always protect them no matter what. Other: His sword is like no other, it contains great power and even greater secrets, they will be revealed slowly over time. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By: Curt Name: Shawn, Nick Name: Black Ice Age: 90 Race: Half ice wolf, half dark coyote Gender: Male Role: Second under Drake’s command. Weapons: A pistol that harnesses his magic into bullets. It never needs reloaded because it automatically creates them whenever the trigger is pulled. He can also create any sharp weapon by freezing the water vapor in the air around him. Magic: Ice infused with black magic. Skills: He is very fast and extremely powerful. He is a highly trained fighter, and can sometimes even better Drake himself in hand to hand combat. Bio: He was orphaned as a young child when both his parents were killed. He managed to live and grew up to be an assassin. When he was ordered to kill the king he was unexpectedly defeated by Drake, one of the few times it has happened. Drake gave him a chance to live if he agreed to serve under the king and him. Shawn excepted but had planned to trick them in the end, however he came to like Drake and respect him. He now no longer holds a grudge against Drake and has long since given up his profession as an assassin. Drake has promised to help Shawn find the people responsible for killing his family, provided that they are still alive somewhere. Shawn is also trying to help Drake uncover his lost memories in return for Drake’s gratitude towards him. He now views everyone in the elite group as family, and will protect them as well. He was the first to be chosen into the elite group and had no problem that Drake was the one put in charge of it. They have been very successful since then, and he will always protect the king and the kingdom. Personality: He is a very quiet man and prefers to keep to himself, but he will talk with the others in the group. He is very honorable and always keeps to his word. He’s a big ladies man, but he doesn’t pay them much attention, he finds them to annoying for the most part. He does have his eye on someone in particular however, but he’s to much of a coward to approach her. He will give up his life for any of his friends if need be, but will always view that as a last resort. Other: His weapons that he can create out of freezing water vapor are almost indestructible, they are just as strong as steal, and can sometimes be even sharper. But it just depends on how much water vapor there is in the air in order for him to create a descent blade such as that. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By: Male-curt, Female- Kristina Name:, Female Lele, Male Luke Age:, Female 27, Male 28 Race:, Female human, Male Human Gender: Male, Female Role:, Female last person under Drake's command, Male second to last person under Drake’s command. Weapons:, Femal make her weapons from her light magic. Male make’s his weapons from his light magic. Magic:, female light, male light Skills: They work perfectly together, there attacks are completely in sync with each other, they may not be to strong alone, but together they can take down just about anyone. They are able to fight well enough on there own however so they aren’t completely helpless if they get separated from each other. Bio: Lele and Luke are brother and sister, they joined the kings army at a very young age and soon caught the eye of Drake. He took them under his own supervision and trained them to the best of there ability. They were soon accepted as Drake’s last two soldiers in his elite group. They are treated as equals and are exceptional in there craft, they are easily considered the best fighting team in the entire kingdom, and where one goes the other follows. They are very protective of each other but they also know when to give the other there own personal space. Personality: Luke is usually calm and collected, but he can also lose his temper. He is very friendly and easy to get along with. He is a very honorable man and will do anything that anyone close to him asks, as long as it’s reasonable. He adores Drake as an older brother and will always look to him for guidance. Lele is very much like her brother but has to help controll his temper some time, so she is much more calm and tends to thinks this through. She is very smart and looks at things in different ways. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By: Curt Name: Daegon Age: 34 Race: Human Gender: Male Role: Darrius' Brother Weapons: A chained mace, and a double bladed battle axe. Magic: Lightning Skills: He is extremely strong yet agile as well. Unlike Darrius, he can create lightning anywhere he wants to outside of his body. He is the only one out of the family to be able to do this. He is as strong as Darrius, if not stronger, but he has never told anyone this, and no one knows except for Darrius himself. Bio: He is the older brother to Darrius and the first son to Mike. He had never found any interest in serving the king for who he truly is. He still wished to this day that his father would be the one on the throne, not his evil younger brother. He will find a way for that to happen, even if it means loosing his own life to do it. Personality: He is very secluded and reserved for the most part. He is completely opposite from Darrius in this aspect. He is usually a very passive person, but when he fights he is one person you don’t want to be hit by. He will not hesitate standing up for his friends, and will not take a punch laying down, but he wont hit until the second punch is thrown. Other:
Looks:  Controlled by: Curt Name: Mike and Dana Age: Mike 57, Dana 55 Race: Both Human Gender: Mike male, Dana female Role: Mike’s the rightful Gatric King. Dana is Mike’s wife. Weapons: Mike can make a few weapons from magic, Dana none.. Magic: Mike Lightning, Dana none. Skills: Mike is very powerful, and has more control over his magic then either of his sons. He has such great control that he can create a solid sword from his lightning magic. Dana is a more skilled fighter, that is where her sons get there exceptional skills from. Bio: Mike was thrown out of the Gatric Kingdom by his parents and left for dead until a woman found him and raised him. After several years he found Dana and fell in love with her. He had known who he was long ago, but chose to never speak of it until him and Dana got married. Since that day, they were determined to get him on his throne, not for the power, but so the people could have a king that was as caring as Mike was. Personality: Mike is very strong and persistent, he will not give up no matter what the odds are, he is a man of his conviction, and will always stand for what he believes in. Dana is a very caring soul and will help anyone that needs it, she will always be there for her friends, and those who have helped then in there quest to get Mike on his rightful throne. Other:
heyyouoverthere01 · Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 07:42pm · 0 Comments |
The Gatric Kingdom of the Plains |
Looks: Controlled By: Name: Age: Unknow Race: Fire Demon Gender: Role: The most powerful Demon Weapons: Magic: Skills: Bio: Personality: Other:
Looks:  Controlled By: Curt Name: Havik Age: Unknown Race: Half dark dragon, half Human Gender: Male Role: Main Villain Weapons: He creates his weapons out of his black fire, but he does have a four foot sword that has very ancient enchantments on it. Magic: Black Fire Skills: He is very manipulative and has great power. He is a very well rounded fighter to the point that he can fight any way that he needs to. He is very fast, and knows how to keep himself hidden. No one knows of his existence except for the few people that he has serving under him. He is very strong due to his dragon half, but lacks the ability to turn into one. Bio: Havik thrives on creating chaos. He has always lived in the darkness and loved every minute of it. He has no heart at all, except for the love of making others suffer. He only wishes to see war again, and it would only make it better if he’s the one that can cause it. He has never known his parents and doesn’t even know how old he is, but he doesn’t really care, he just wants to see some blood. He has been bored for so many centuries that it has finally driven him insane. He manipulates every evil event that he can, and is proud of the ones he doesn’t even have to influence. It just goes the show him that there are naturally evil people in the world that can entertain him on there own. Personality: He sees himself as a god, and he holds no remorse for anyone. He has long since discarded his human side and all sentimental feelings along with it. He holds no allegiance and no loyalty to anyone. He will kill if he wishes to do so, it doesn’t matter if it’s anyone that works for him or not. He holds a deep hatred for everything and won’t stop until it is all burned to the ground and only he is left in it’s wake. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By:Curt Name:Kenshi Age: 4,637 Race: Immortal Gender: Male Role: Havik’s top soldier Weapons: Katana, Wakisashi, Tanto, and a few daggers. Magic: All Skills: He has a natural ability of foresight. He is extremely fast and agile. He is at the top of his physical and mental peak, there is very little room for improvement. He is a very well rounded fighter and he is the top for his craft. He is a top swordsman and martial arts master. Bio: He has been with Havik for practically all his life. He is the one responsible for Drakes loss of memory and is the only one who can give it back to him. He is rarely surprised by any outcome, but as he says himself, he can’t predict everything. He is completely loyal to Havik and always will be, he sees him as his father for saving him so long ago. He has forgotten most of his own life before meeting Havik, but he doesn’t see that as important, his duty is all he has left, and he will carry it out to his very last breath. Personality: He is completely opposite of Havik. He is a very kind and gentle person who wishes not to fight, but he knows he must for Havik to achieve his goal. He is completely docile and will not attack someone unless he is ordered to, but when he is then his good hearted nature is replaced with a perfect killing machine, he does not fill any remorse for those he kills if it was by Havik’s order to do so. He will not hesitate to kill the target he was sent after, but anyone else that gets in his way, he will avoid all harm to them if possible. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By: Curt Name: Jackson Age: 47 Race: Human Gender: Male Role: Gatric King Weapons: Naginata made from the bones of the kingdoms fallen enemies. The blade itself is from the demons he has had slain 90 years ago, and the staff is made form the bones of the fallen enemies themselves. The weapon has been passed down to through for the past two generations. Magic: Puppetry, he can control people’s body’s against there will. Skills: He is very manipulative, and if he can’t fool someone into doing his dirty work, he’ll simply force them to do it against there will. He prefers medium ranged fighting, and is very fast to avoid being hit and staying away from his enemies. Bio: He has been raised to hate and destroy his enemies. He was always trained and never loved by his parents. He killed them at the age of 16 and took there place as ruler. He has ruled with an iron fist and will never allow anyone to fail him. If they defy him and fail, he will punish them greatly and will make sure it never happens again. No one has ever failed him more then once and lived to tell about it. He is a power hungry man and will do anything to achieve his goal of eradicating all the other kingdoms. He may act peaceful with the other kingdoms, but that’s just a front and soon plans to destroy everyone and bring about a new world order, where he is in command. Personality: He is very cruel and demanding, he doesn’t like to be disappointed, and will not tolerate anything less then perfection. He is a very active king in that he is the executioner at the public executions. He has a heart of stone and he has no emotions except for hate and anger. He will not tolerate any failure from his top elite force, unless they wish to suffer his absolute wrath _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By: Kristina Name: Takar Age: 300, Looks 30 Race: Demon Gender: Male Role: Top assassin Weapons: Red sword and a fire whip, some small daggers Magic: Fire Skills: He is very very strong and most of the time is not even useing all of his stranth to deal with his enemy Bio: There is alot more to him then any one would know, he came to the Gatric kingdom a while ago and was quicly place in the ranks for his skills. But he dose not fooly serve the king but no one know that. He had found Rose after her family was killed by bandits and took her in. He trained her himself and get her into the army as well were she moved up the ranks on her own. Personality: He is a very quite man and dose not say much to anyone, he just follows orders and gives them then reports to who he needs to. Other: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My main one Looks:  Controlled By: Kristina Name: Rose Age: 37 Race: Mostly Human but has some demon in her from her family long ago. Gender: Female Role: Top Ranking officer, leads the best three men of the kings army. Weapons: Long sword, small hand gun with some speical bulets, throughing stars Magic: Any Skills: She is very fast and still strong. She can go from ranged attacks to close quarters attacks eacaly. Bio: Her family had live off away from the kingdom and one day when she was 7 her family was attacked by bandits and all kill. She would have died as well but Takar came and killed the bandits before they had found her. Takar took her in and treated her like his own. When she was 18 she insisted on being in the army and Takar helped her in. But she worked her way up the ranks on her own till she was just under Takar. Personality: Rose is a very good actor for what ever she needs to be. But she is a little twisted in her own way and is a b***h to most that do not know her. But she has a careing heart that the members of her unite know this to be true. Other: Rose found a strang little fox spirit traped one day and helped the little thing. Ever since then the fow has staied with her but it is no normal fox spirit. Rose named her Reeka _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By: Kristina Name: Sid Nick Name: Golden Dragon Age: 39 Race: Human and old roots to the earth spirits Gender: Male Role: One of the three top officers lead by Rose Weapons: Fist Magic: None Skills: He likes close up fights and is very strong, he is not the fastest though Bio: His family as long served the Gatric kill and all have been on the army, he is the first to make it this high up though and his family is very prod of this. But he dse not see it as an honor and the only reason he stays is Rose. he stays away from his family as much as posible. Personality: He is a bit of a smart a** and a jurk, as well as a brut. He only listens to Rose for the most part and even ignores the king is his own way. Other: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By: Kristina Name: Shean Nick Name: Winter Wind Age: 50, looks 35 Race: Half human half elf Gender: Male Role: the second officer under rose's comman Weapons: make his weapons from his ice magic Magic: Ice Skills: fast and and strong sword fighter Bio: He had came to the Gatric kingdom before the Genie show up and tried to get a job. But he was found out to be half elf and since the Gatrics hate the nature baced elves he was imprisoned. He was treatened porly for a long time till rose was a top officer and found him in the dungen. She went and paid for his freedom and with her help and Takar's he was given a place in Rose's unit and serve her. he is not well like among the Gatrics but they will not bother him even Sid stands up for him offten. Personality: He feels indetting to Rose. He is very calm and clear thinking. Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By: Curt Name: Darrius Age: 29 Race: Human Gender: Male Role: The last officer under Rose’s command. Weapons: Steel whip to allow his magic to flow through it and a pistol that allows his magic to electrify the bullets before they fire, it does need to be reloaded, but it holds several rounds. Magic: Lightning Skills: He is very quick and extremely handy with his whip, he prefers mid to long range combat, he doesn’t like to fight in close quarters but is able to if it is needed. He is strong, but far from the strongest in the group. Bio: He was raised in the Gatric Kingdom and always wished to serve the king. The fact that he’s the only full human in the elite group doesn’t discourage him, in fact it only drives him on that much harder to prove that he can do just as well as all the others. He is always loyal to Rose and will do anything that she asks of him. He has sensed that there is something wrong going on, but has never told anyone, not even Rose herself. He made his way up the ranks faster then any other human ever had, and a lot farther. He is a very special person, and is looked upon with both respect and hate for his exceptional abilities. Personality: He is very outgoing and outspoken which isn’t always a good thing, he is loyal only to his closest friends, but otherwise he will tell either Rose or the king himself of any disrespect he may hear of his highness or of the kingdom. He will never speak or tell on Rose or any of his fellow group members. He will give his life only for Rose if it ever comes to that, he doesn’t care for the others as much as Rose herself. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By: Curt Name: Sitting, Shane; Standing Gear Age: Shane, 40; Gear 62 Race: Shane, Human; Gear, cyborg Gender: Both Male Role: Second and third officers under Darrius’s command. Weapons: Shane uses Gear as his weapon; Gear’s body is a weapon. Magic: Shane has Techakinesis, he can make completely new machinery from old mechanical parts, he uses Gear as his main tool to create more powerful weapons for himself to use. Skills: Shane is a pure genius, but he has crossed the line of insanity long ago. He is strong and can predict many things through simple calculation and studying other people’s behavior. Gear is extremely strong and has no emotions to stop him from doing the cruelest things that he is ordered. He is very intelligent but must do as he is told for fear of being shut down permanently. Bio: Shane was only 18 when he started to be an apprentice under the intelligent asst , ten years after Shane had started to train under Victor, there was a terrible accident. Victor was horribly hurt and was close to dieing, Shane saved Victor the only way he knew how, to incorporate his mind and heart into a machine. Since then, Shane has been appointed the overseer of all productions and new inventor for the Gatric Kingdom. Personality: Shane is a very aggressive in everything that he does. When he want’s something done he expects it to be done with in the next few minutes. He is very high maintenance and likes to keep himself clean, he doesn’t like to do to much dirty work himself. He will kill someone with no question as long as he can do it from a nice distance away so they don’t splatter him with there blood. Gear really has no emotions or personality anymore, they have all been stripped from him. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks: Controlled By: Kristina Name: Magen Age: 28 Race: Human Gender: Female Role:Last under Darrius' command when sid leaves Weapons: Daggers and hand blades Magic: None for the most part Skills: She is fast and very flexible, she can jump high. She can do long and close up attacks and she makes it hard to hit her. Bio: There is nothing really spease about her, she can from a long time family in the Gatric King that was never really know. She poved to but very strong and skilled at an young age and soon get into the army for help ith money for the family. Personality: She really dose not give a damn what she is told to do she will do it. One of her favorit things is the chaleng the guards and beat them, witch she dose offten. Thought she seems like she dose not care she has been investigating to king. Other: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Looks:  Controlled By: curt Name:Mavado Age:800, looks 19 Race: Half demon, half bird of prey spirit. Gender: Male Role: replace Darrius as leader Weapons: Dagger, power gauntlets, small throwing knives, and a specially designed pistol that can shoot astonishingly accurate and is very quiet. Magic: Optical diversity, sense impairment. Skills: He is very highly skilled and deadly. His magic allows him to see anything and everything that he needs to, but he can also disrupt other’s people ability to sense him at all. This is what gives him the ability to kill his opponent without them even knowing there dead until it is to late. Bio: He is a well known assassin, but that’s only his front. His true status is being second in Havik’s top three soldiers. He has served him since he was 50, and has never regretted a single minute of it. He will not stop at anything until his masters wishes are met. He is the stealthiest of Havik’s men and has been sent personally to finish what Takar has failed to do. Personality: He is very ruthless and cunning, he will not hesitate to kill, in fact he thrives for the sight of blood. He is easily board and will do anything he can think of to keep himself entertained. He will not serve anyone’s orders but Havik’s, however he has been ordered to do as Jackson wishes for the time being. Other: His weapons are made from the strongest minerals around, and his bullets can shoot through steel.