It would seem that Ax has started off a craze by moving away. Two of my next closest guy friends (Unknowable and Sorcerer's Legacy) are both moving down to near where Ax is going to University. Sor left almost a week ago, and Able is leaving in a week. My two close friends now are Princess, who is practically my sister, and Ethan, our brother, who is awesome, but doesn't come on Gaia because he can be silly sometimes. It's going to be hard not having the other guys around any more, but I expect it will make me closer to the other friends that I have up here, and that will probably be a good thing. Just talked to Ax for the third time since he left, which was nice. Princess's birthday party was great fun - we played a very ridiculous game of Truth or Dare down on the beach and collapsed around midnight at her place. Other than that and school, not a lot has been happening recently. It's raining at the moment - I love rain. If we get a flood, though, it will probably be during the weekend, which isn't fair. Floods aren't fun unless they prevent you from going somewhere you don't want to go to (aka School).
Tanya Bussa · Fri Mar 03, 2006 @ 09:49am · 0 Comments |
School has gone back and things are getting busy ... I have a fair bit of work to do, but not as much as some, and I am still enjoying a reasonable amount of free time. Ax left for university a week ago, and this morning I finally got a phone call from him. I have been really missing the sound of his voice this last week. Everything seems to be going well with him, which is good, and I will call him again on Tuesday for his birthday. At the moment I am making him a new dice bag for all of his DnD dice - he is our Game Master/Dungeon Master, and has a very small bag at the moment. It is fun making his bag, although as I have never done applique, it is proving somewhat difficult for me to sew the design on ... oh well, my mum will handle that tomorrow, and I will do the rest of it, so it should be good fun. It won't arrive in time for his birthday, but that's unavoidable, really. The post just takes awhile. It will be Princess's birthday dinner next week ... I am trying to persuade Unknowable to come at the moment, a lot of my friends will be there, and I think that it will be good fun for all of us. The first event I'll be attending since Ax left ... I am going to miss him. It was always planned that we would go together, but that won't be able to happen now. Umm ... other than that, not a whole lot going on in my life at the moment. I called my dad in Ireland this morning, and he still doesn't know when exactly he'll be coming over. He's got a bit of paperwork to do which is proving stubborn, but once it goes through, I expect I'll get a call saying he will be arriving in a week or so. That's just the way he works. I'm looking forward to having him over here again - he last came in 98, I think it was.
Tanya Bussa · Sat Feb 18, 2006 @ 08:50am · 0 Comments |
Well, the summer holidays are drawing to their conclusion, and soon I'll be back at school. This year will be my final year, and I have very big exams at the end of it. I don't really mind the idea of the exams, they don't phase me all that much. Exams never really have. What I'm really not looking forward to this year is the fact that Ax won't be around all that much. He's going away to university in a couple of weeks, and he'll be living two days away from me for most of the year. The speration is going to be hell, as far as I'm concerned. Oh well. At least my dad is coming over from Ireland to visit me, which should be good. He hasn't been here in eight or so years now. My birthday has come and gone, and I had a good time, even if I didn't get all that many presents. I've got a couple still to come, I think.
Tanya Bussa · Sat Jan 28, 2006 @ 07:05am · 1 Comments |
Happy Birthday To Me ... Nearly |
Yay! It's only 9 days until my 17th birthday! I can hardly wait! I'm going to be spending the day with friends, going to see The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, and then going RPing with some guys that I know - this should be at Ax's place. I wonder what I'm going to get for my birthday - IRL, I'm interested to see what Sorcerer's Legacy and Vicious Little Ninja have gotten for me. Sor has been hinting that it will be interesting, and that they are both looking forward to my reponse to it. Apartently I'm either going to laugh - a lot - or try and hurt both of them. I have no idea what to expect from my friends on Gaia, or if I will be getting anything at all. Oh well, I guess I'll find out in nine days!
Tanya Bussa · Thu Jan 12, 2006 @ 04:19am · 2 Comments |
Christmas is well on it's way now, and my Christmas is looking like being a lot of fun. On Christmas Eve, I'm having a party with my step-dad, his partner, her two kids and Princess, then I'm going home with Princess and our brother, and spending Christmas morning and lunch with Princess's family. Me and Princess will then proceed to my house for Christmas evening and dinner, before parting ways, and I shall be going to Ax's place for Boxing Day and a LAN ... maybe even an RP session the day after. LAN should be fun - I'm getting better at Counter Strike - "Nothing says I love you like a headshot" used to be one of my favourite sayings. Ax and I tend to stay on the same team if possible nowdays though. I'll find someone else to shoot though, I'm sure. School is blessedly over for the year, and I have summer holidays looming ahead - this should be good fun. Lots of hanging out with friends and several minor parties should be happening. My birthday will be in January, and I'm planning just a small outing with Princess, Ax, Ethan and my mum. Maybe bowling and a movie? I'll decide closer to the time. It will be good fun though. Hopefully we'll get a swimming pool sometime before the end of summer ... if not, Ethan has one, and he lives about 20 minutes walk down the raod, so that's not too bad. Ax is moving house, and he'll have a pool then as well ^_^ Wow, I did have a bit of news for this entry didn't I? That's always a good thing. In Gaia news, I'm questing for an Angelic Headband - only need another 40k as of writing this.
Tanya Bussa · Fri Dec 16, 2005 @ 01:35am · 0 Comments |
Went to a cocktail party at a friend's house on Saturday, which was pretty fun. I don't like drinking much, but plenty of the people I know do. I had a good time, even having only a few sips of alcohol, and spent most of the night sitting around outside chatting with a couple of friends, away from the loud noise.
Tanya Bussa · Mon Nov 21, 2005 @ 04:16am · 2 Comments |
Only like, a month left of school now, and then the holidays will be here. Unlike previous years, I actually have assessment tasks and stuff right up until the end of school, so I'll be going until the second last week for a change. Oh well, still should be reasonably OK. Lessons are mostly good fun these days, and there aren't any that I particularly want to avoid. The holidays will be good though - plenty of time to spend with family and friends, particularly Ax. Christmas with my three families should be good as well, although it will be a busy little while. Looks like my dad will be coming over from Ireland in the new year, which will also be good. It's been about 8 years since he was in Australia last, and I would like him to be able to meet Ax and the rest of my friends.
Tanya Bussa · Tue Nov 15, 2005 @ 08:53pm · 3 Comments |
Things are starting to get better now. My emotional state is as stable as it's been in awhile, and my energy levels are gaining, a little. Summer sucks, but winter comes soon enough, so it'll be ok. Particularly if I can escape to New Zealand for awhile!
Tanya Bussa · Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 06:22am · 2 Comments |
Life seems to be having fun sucking at the moment ... school just went back, and I feel depressed and upset. Not sure why - could be school, but I don't know for sure. We'll see, I guess. Hopefully I'll feel better tonight though.
Tanya Bussa · Fri Oct 14, 2005 @ 06:36am · 4 Comments |