There's a hitchin' fixin' ta happen 'round these parts...
Well, you all may or may not have seen the picture of Ace_Xi and myself in both of our signatures. We've known eachother 4 years IRL, and have been dating for just under three months now. If you haven't guessed already, I popped the question only hours ago, and got the answer I was hoping for! YES!!! So, not only are we really getting married, but we are also having a ceremony here in Gaia (no time set, as of yet, but it will probably be in my collective poetry thread) and everyone is invited! Tell every gaian you know, see, or can possibly find and join us on a TBA date for this most awesomest occasion. I AM SO ******** HAPPY RIGHT NOW I CAN"T HELP BUT HOLD DOWN THE SHIFT KEY!!!!!