New Year's: The Masquerade 2k5/6 |
Gaia Fishing Compendium (UNDER CONSTRUCTION |

In GaiaOnline you can play a Flash Fishing game. It's really not that bad. There are various poles you can buy, and upgrade. There are three types of bait, a few different locations to fish at, and MANY different things to catch.
You can turn in the fish (and junk) that you catch for Fishing related items. (Ie: Green Bass Helm)
However, there isn't a Master List, SO you'll get just the information I have gathered myself.
Gaia's Fishing Store/Exchange Fish Exchange Guide. Check your Personal Fishing Stats. This Guide on Gaia. This Guide on My Forum.
27Dec.05- Yay! Compendium Born! 01Jan.06- Lil Style Update. Also added fish I haven't caught razz
*Prices listed are for items Purchasable through the Fishing Shop
( ) Basic Fishing Rod (PLUS) - 100 gold. (??? to Upgrade) A basic wooden fishing rod. Small and sturdy, this rod is an essential start for any fisherman.
( ) Strength Rod (PLUS)- 1850 gold (???) to Upgrade. A heavy weight, inflexible rod designed for up close pulling battles. As such, this rod cannot cast as far as other rods in its class. This rod provides superior control at shorter distances but offers less control at longer distances.
( ) Distance Rod (PLUS)- 3500 gold. (??? to Upgrade) A slender, flexible rod built for distance casting. This rod provides superior control at longer distances but offers less control on close pulls.
( ) Performance Rod (PLUS)- 2475 gold (12500 to Upgrade.) An all around performing rod. This rod provides great control at far and short distances, but less control at midrange pulls.
Grade A Fish Bait - 250g The package reads: 'This fish bait is rated Grade A - A delicacy to any species in or out of water.' OMG, with this bait I'll have MUCH better chances of scoring better fish all the time!
Grade D Fish Bait - 100g The package reads: 'This fish bait is rated Grade D - Fit For Human Consumption - Suitable for fish and other marine wildlife.' A step up from grade F, I'm pretty sure I'll have better chances of catching better fish using this stuff.
Grade F Fish Bait - 25g The package reads: 'This fish bait is rated Grade F - Not Fit For Human Consumption - Suitable for fish and other marine wildlife.' Hey, better than nothing.
x100 = Orange Guppy (Cap) on 28Dec.2005.
x100 = Red Guppy (Cap).
x100 = Yellow Guppy (Cap) on 28Dec.2005.
x100 = Blue Bass (Helm).
x100 = Brown Bass (Helm).
x100 = Green Bass (Helm).
x100 = Blue Striper (Helmet).
x100 = Gray Striper (Helmet).
x100 = Green Striper (Helmet).
x100 = Blue Seedkin (Cap).
x100 = Green Seedkin (Cap).
x100 = Pink Seedkin (Cap).
x100 = Cool Rainbow (Helm).
x100 = Frozen Rainbow (Helm).
x100 = Warm Rainbow (Helm).
Quote: Durem Reclamation Facility Fishing
x100 = Black Pebbo (Feeder/Cap).
x100 = Brown Pebbo (Feeder/Cap).
x100 = White Pebbo (Feeder/Cap).
*Note: I believe the Old Cans and Old Boots can be found in Gaia Towns as well.
x500 = Big Ole Tire (Tire on my Head).
x1000 = Old Boot (Patchwork Boots).
x5000 = Old Can (Tin Hat).
Quote: Fish Exchanges, Fish I haven't Caught. *Alphabetical
*cry* x10 = Big Mouth Bass'terd (Mask)
x100 = Black Roque (Biter/Helm) *cry* x100 = Blue Stone (Biter/Helm) *cry* x10 = Buckin' Bino (Mask). *cry* x10 = Candy Striper (Mask). *cry* x10 = Chargin' Chino (Mask). *cry* x10 = Diamondback Lion (Mask).
x100 = Dicy Tuna (Helmet).
x10 = Emeraldback Lion (Helmet).
x100 = Icy Tuna (Helmet). *cry* x10 = Mutha Guppa (Mask).
x100 = Pyrite (Biter/Helm). *cry* x10 = Rubyback Lion (Mask.)
x100 = Sand Boldur (Helmet).
x100 = Slate Boldur (Helmet).
x100 = Spicy Tuna (Helmet).
x100 = Stone Boldur (Helmet). *cry* x10 = Tootin' Tino (Mask).
WeyrCat · Tue Dec 27, 2005 @ 11:06am · 0 Comments |
 Goodies I've gotten from the neat event: *Full list available here: Gaia Forum
From the Von Helson Sisters:
Balloon x5
Party Hat x3
VPin Left
VPin Right
From Gambino:
G Pin
Hopefully more to come!
Stuff NPCs said to me:
 Anna Corinne Von Helson: You'd be blessed that you are receiving anything from me, especially my personal brooch. Anna Corinne Von Helson: I feel so pretty. Don't you think I'm pretty? Anna Corinne Von Helson: Did you know you can make your voice funny if you inhale the stuff that's in these balloons? Anna Corinne Von Helson: Have you tried the punch? It's guaranteed to please. (x3) Anna Corinne Von Helson: I beg your pardon? The punch is not spiked, I merely requested the help to give it the usual...kick.
 Marie Von Helson: As if we'd give out our original brooches. You're getting a cheap knockoff. Marie Von Helson: Yes, I am better than you. (x4) Marie Von Helson: My words are worth more than what you're wearing. (x2) Marie Von Helson: Take a balloon and pass em around. Marie Von Helson: Sometimes I wonder what life would be like without money... And then I wake up and feel relieved that it was just a nightmare.
 The Von Helson Sisters: Welcome to our mansion-- here's a balloon for you. Now join the rest of the sheep. (x4) The Von Helson Sisters: No no no, you're aren't even dressed well at all-- *sigh* take this hat and try to blend in with everyone else. (x3) The Von Helson Sisters: What do we look like? Maids?-- --get your own drinks you peasant. (x3) The Von Helson Sisters: Since our father died, we've taken it upon ourselves to enjoy the finer things in life-- --as if we didn't before! (x2)
 Gambino: Spread the Gambino name and help restore it to its former glory!! (x2) Gambino: For all their riches, these girls lack the prowess to wield it properly. (x3) Gambino: Look at my son. Look at what he's become. I must regain my power to right this tragedy. Gambino: Why would you want a V-pin when you can have this lovely golden G-pin instead? Gambino: Have these girls no respect for their elders? (x2) Gambino: If you have your G-pin, wear it proudly. Do it for Gino and I. I'd give you one right now, but I need to go get more. Gambino: I WILL NOT BE SILENCED!! Spread the Gambino name and help restore it to its former glory!!
 Cindy Donovinh: We here at GAIA 9 Action News are dedicated to bringing you viewers the best quality in news. Therefore, it shouldn't be a surprise that they sent me here to cover this huge event! Cindy Donovinh: The Von Helson Sisters inherited this mansion after their father, the late Count Vladimir Von Helson, passed away under mysterious circumstances. Cindy Donovinh: Marie seems to be wearing a gown specifically tailor by the enigmatic NOIR! I wonder how much gold THAT cost? Cindy Donovinh: It appears that Durem will be THE place for Gaians to go to for big events. After that bizarre incident at Gambino's Mansion back in October, there really is no where else large enough to host such a party.
 Labtech X: Sorry, I'm out of green vials. This last one is mine. Labtech X: Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the mansion...
NPCs I never saw.. for shame crying
WeyrCat · Fri Feb 18, 2005 @ 11:37pm · 0 Comments |
Angel's Blessings - Sep3-04 |
September 3-2oo4
After the clock had already struck midnight, signalling a new day, as she tallied up the days gold and reflected on the conversations she'd had, a late patron came bumping through the threads. The Threads were always open, and never stop being lively, she could sit there forever and watch her purse grow fat, but sleep called to her. The late comer was dressed all in white, with Faerie wings and angel wings bedecking him. He looked positively aglow! He came to HER thread and laid 4500 gold on the table. She blanched, her mouth falling open at the pile of gold on her table. She looked up at him, trying to find the words to thank him. He simply said "no problem." And walked away.
Zodiac_archer donates 4500g!!!
She quickly scooped the gold into her coffer and yelled exhuberant thank you's after the gentleman. Slowly, still in shock, she fell asleep to rest for tomorrow, when she would begin anew her chatting and bumping of threads to earn the sum she would need to complete the first part of her quest... a #0000ff Complex Shirt..
Quest Item #1 #0000ff Complex Shirt. 6000g Several hours later... The Girl awoke to find the threads busy as always. She said her good mornings to her late night bumpers, and bumped a few friends to get them started. Though she had just recieved an amazing boon in her gold supply, it seemed her luck was not over! Another Angel of a Patron popped into her thread to say hello, and left before her 1500g!! Once again she was awestruck! She fought the urge to throw her arms around the stranger, excited by her patron the night before and bolstered by this new one, she sang out a string of thank you's as he, asking no return bumps, nor leaving a calling card so she might bump him back in the future, simply vanished.
lifes_bane the Archangel donates 1500g!!!
Before Fate could trick her and steal away her new fortune, she scooped up the new gold, tucked it safely within her coffer and went in search of her Shirt! After perusing the store where it could be bought new, she hopped into the Marketplace and found a wonderful deal on a secondhand shirt that was as perfect as if it had been purchased from the actual store. She purchased it quickly, and wore it triumphantly back to her thread!
Quest Item #1 #0000ff Complex Shirt. COMPLETE!!!
With new excitement and fervor she renewed her quest. The bumped and polled, chatted and flitted from thread to thread, shop to shop to earn her gold. She knew eaxactly what she wanted next...
Quest Item #2 Were Tail 7000g
The day was still young, and she bumped her friends and bumpers ferociously! She multi-bumped, and returned bumps for people who only stopped in to return her initial bump! She made many friends along the way, talking about Neopets and getting to know Gaia.
Mistress_DeathKitty donates 139g!
She tallied her gold, 1/7th of the way there!! As she went back to return-bumping a farmiliar face flitted through the door. He was back, the White Angel who less than 12 hours ago had astounded her with his gift of gold. This time he had beneath his arm a gift she could not fathom.
Zodiac_archer donates WERE TAIL!!!
"Why??" she asked. "I don't understand why you're being so nice to a newbie!?" He simply replied, as a matter-of-factly "I just like helping people get their perfect avatars!" And in her stunned silence that followed, he departed as swiftly as he came.
Quest Item #2 Were Tail COMPLETE!!!
All the sudden, the gold she had been collecting would now go to her next quest item.. Horns of the Demon! As she affixed her beautiful new tail and swished it back and forth, she set forth again.
Quest Item #3 Horns of the Demon 9000g
She spent the rest of the day bumping, and polling, with a permanent smile on her face, and a wonderful feeling of hope and gladness in her heart, as she contemplated the kindness of those around her.
WeyrCat · Sat Sep 25, 2004 @ 09:11am · 2 Comments |
Welcome to Gaia! Aug 28,2004 |
Aug 28,2004 And so the tiny creature, drawn by the lure of yet another chance to redefine herself in tiny brilliant pixels, steps into the shining foyer. She gazes at the choices before her, hair color and shape, eyes that can be demure or fiery red! Selecting those she feels fits her best she is thrown forward into a glade of cool green grass and a bright blue sky. A tiny house stands before her, complete with tiny yapping dog, and a road. The road stretches far to a city teeming with life: shops that sell your hearts desires, a public forum where the finest (and worst) minds argue over philosophy, government, and gossip. The marketplace dazzling with the many merchants and patrons bargaining over wares she could only dream of affording.
She walks slowly into the forum, the first rooms being full of beggars and scammers. Simply flitting through the room she found her pockets growing slightly fatter, as if unknown saints bestowed the shining bits of gold unto her, heartfelt of her gritty blue rags. As she passed into the Quest hall she saw many peddling wares in a many not so grandiose as in the marketplace. They offered different sorts as well, beautiful art in hundreds of designs! Characteratures of patrons filled some booths, and in others dozens of solemn animals (apparently in desperate need of someone loving to feed or hug them!)
Across the room she sees a friendly face, the one who invited her into this new world, Bella_x. She rushed to her and they began marvelling at the sights and wares they beheld. Bella had set up her own Quest Booth and had been kindly chatting with passerbys. The whole time her coffer filled slowly, gold by gold, The girl claimed a booth near her and began to do the same. "But what was her quest" the patrons asked. She rose from her booth and walked out to the shops to find what might strike her fancy. Tops finely sewn and gowns that glimmered in the light were everywhere! She finally found a place, not quite belonging in the town, and was able to try on faux version of every kind of clothing in the city! Deciding on a certain set she went back to her booth, sketched out a "wishlist" and set back to work chatting with patrons. She more often then not would wander to other peoples booths to chat with them. Either way her coffer slowly filled as her friend Bella's had.
At the end of the day she counted her gold and marked how close she was to her first prize. Pleased with herself and her work she cuddled up and dreamt of the conversations she would have tomorrow, and the gold that would be bestowed on her for doing so. "Not a bad way to clothe oneself" she thought, and drifted off to sleep.
WeyrCat · Sat Sep 25, 2004 @ 02:21am · 0 Comments |