I've been thinking about college today. I'm going to VA Tech in the fall, but I was just realizing today that I've really wanted to be at VCU more than at VA Tech. I was automatically accepted into VCU's school of engineering, but I'm stuck with University Studies at VA Tech, not engineering. So, I'm mad at VA Tech for that. So today, during dinner, I was thinking to myself (as I always do) that I'll just transfer to VCU after the fall semester and go there. So what if I'm one of the few (if not only) to leave VA Tech for VCU, a school that's not as prestigious (there goes me using a big word, haha) as VA Tech? Even though both VCU and VA Tech were both my first choices, I realized that VCU was more of a first choice than VA Tech was. I was all disappointed that I didn't get into VA Tech's engineering school right away. Plus, if I go to VCU, I'll be close to home, my friends and family. Even if at least some of my friends go off somewhere else after their graduation, maybe I'll be happy at VCU. I'll still know people at home in Richmond, and I know some people who have decided to go to VCU for college....hmmm...
Shortstuff · Tue Jul 12, 2005 @ 02:07am · 0 Comments |