In a distant city far from where she belonged, Jaheira walked the darkened streets cloaked In a black cape that covered her entire body, her face hidden in the shadows of her hood. The city streets were not as lively as they once were, but they still held life. She was only passing through. She would get a place to sleep, and in the morning she would rebuild her supplies for further travels. Her race was not like and her class even more so. Keeping a low profile in towns such as these was near impossible. Never the less, she was very good hiding and blending in the night. When found a cheap inn to sleep, she ordered a strong drink and went up to bed. Her room had a window with a great view of the full moon. She wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight as any full moon she would be alert and at her best. She gazed out at its beauty in longing. What she longed for was unknown. When she thought more on this matter, all she could think of was peace. Not an end to fighting among people persay. No she knew that would never be achieved. What she really wants is to end the war in her, an inner peace. She couldn’t explain it but where ever she went, or whatever she did she still felt empty or restless. Like a part of her was missing or lost. Maybe her parents named her all too well.
As she sat by the window, she pulled a journal from her bag and a small mouse crawled from it as well. “Well hello, Meep. What do you think of our room nice for ten gold, huh?” She smiled under her hood as the small mouse nodded and began to explore the new room. She sat at the desk in front of the window and opened the journal it was filled with entries of her travels. She wet her pin with ink and began to write. – I have found myself in the streets of Bailard, a human town. Meep seems to like our view as do I. What this town will hold is still unknown, but tomorrow will bring more answers I’m sure … - She kept writing every now and then gazing out into the moon lit streets.
Name: Jaheira Nodel (Lost soul of the moon)
Age: 120
Height: 5’8
Weight: 150
Race: Night elf, drow, dark elf ( whatever you call it )
Personality: Kind, strong willed, loves animals, own since of justice.
Alignment: True Neutral
History: She was raised in her elven clan. She is a part of the Nodel family, ad powerful and well known family of elves. She was not like most of her family. She was not content staying at home in one place. She left to see the world mainly because of her restless soul which is where she got her name Jaheira meaning lost soul.